Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey
Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey
G | 03 December 1977 (USA)
Nestor, the Long-Eared Christmas Donkey Trailers

Nestor the donkey is a bit of an oddity--his long ears are enough for six donkeys and stretch all the way to the ground. One night, when Nestor is locked out in the cold, he begins to wander the desert.

Exoticalot People are voting emotionally.
ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
meisterburger23 Nestor the Long Eared Christmas Donkey is a sweet, yet sad Christmas Special.The story starts with our narrator Santa's donkey who explains his ancestor Nestor, Nestor was a donkey born with very long ears. The other animals on the farm where he lived were mean and made fun of him. Olaf the donkey owner was also cruel and called him insulting names. The only person who was kind to Nestor was his mother. One night Roman soldiers come to the farm and want some young donkeys. Olaf shows them all the young donkeys and they take them. they take Nestor but he puts up a struggle causing his long ears to be shown. The angry soldiers take the young donkeys for free and leave Olaf furious that he lost a sale. Olaf tosses Nestor out into a blizzard and his mother has enough and breaks out of her pen to rescue her son. Homeless and alone Nestor and his mother find a drift bank and his mother digs a hole so she can cover Nestor up with herself to keep him warm. Tragically Nestor's mother dies in the blizzard sacrificing her own self for her young son. Nestor wanders the world alone until he meets a cherub called Tilly who tells Nestor he must travel to Bethlehem.After a journey Tilly takes Nestor to a donkey dealer and Nestor spends the next months being ridiculed and abused by the other animals. One night Mary and Joesph arrive and want to purchase Nestor because they've fallen with his gentle eyes. The dealer gives Nestor for free. Mary Joseph and Nestor travel thru the desert and get caught in a sand storm, but Nestor uses his ears to hear the voices of angels and gets the two to Bethlehem where in a manger Jesus is born. Nestor returns to his farm where the animals and Olaf greet him with loving embrace.This special is sad because Nestor's mother obviously dies and also there is a little abuse among the animals but it is forgiven in the end. I recommend this special for kids and nostalgia adults. It also teaches how that you have a purpose and God created you for that special purpose
el by I have always loved this movie, and cried during the whole thing--in good way. Yes, Nestor gets roughly abused, yes there is severe bullying, yes there is tragedy, yes it resembles real life in these ways. However, the story is wonderful to me for these reasons: 1) Nestor overcomes with help and by perseverance. 2) Children see how bad bullying and hating someone for being different can be. 3)It is a fresh look at the Christmas story that addresses God's way of making "all things work together for good," (Romans 8:28). 4)It is visually so well done.My only negative criticism is that I do think it is foolish that Nestor went back to his birthplace. Why would he do that??? I believe he would just continue on with his life wherever he happened to be, but now he believes in himself and in God's leading.
chrismoss2323 I'm a 30 year old single dude with a history of lot's of sin and fun. I came from the tough guy/ party crowd and bla, bla, bla. All that biznus aside: This is the best 22 minutes of purity and tender entertainment I have found. Everything is perfect in it's own imperfection. The songs are genius, and these guys should have made 50 more films, that's all. They get it. Religious or not - the emotional levels are brilliant. I drop a tear every time. Sure, I also saw it as a kid - and that means something - but stoned, drunk, sober - I get lost every time. THIS LIL' FILM ROCKS!!! Watch it. If you have kids... put down the hip hop album (to the trash) and stick this in the DVD player. Yes, the Jewish folk as well. He wants you to. ;)
Pal_Joey The opening of this cute, but misunderstood little donkey looks terrific. The story opens with the current descendant of Nestor giving a tour of Santa's deserted house on Xmas Eve. Unfortunately, the the story takes a pretty by the numbers look at Nestor's story of humiliation and triumph. Even more unfortunately, unlike the narrator of Rudolph- here the story is almost entirely done in narration. And most of the entire story is Nestor crying about his long ears and other issues. Meanwhile the less than terrific Nestor song is sung again and again. Not the best effort by Rankin & Bass. The story needed more work. Lots more work.