PG | 31 December 1986 (USA)
Mesmerized Trailers

An orphan weds an older man in circa-1900 New Zealand, then finds out he's a miser who spies on her.

Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
GamerTab That was an excellent one.
BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
Rainey Dawn A true story? I don't believe that bologna. I think the only part of it that might have been true is that he was sicko pervert, possessive and jealous over her. She murdered with the help of her doctor boyfriend that she wanted. I do know that marriages were often arranged at that time. That's it - that's the parts of the film I believe.I do not believe all the hypnotism/mesmerism mumbo-jumbo that happened. She was hypnotized first then learned how to hypnotize so she could mesmerize her husband - that's bull-cocky.She was tired of trimming his nose hairs and him peeking through the holes while she dressed/undressed. And she didn't love him to begin with - it was a type of arranged marriage. That is why she killed him - if the story is true or partly true or totally false.It's okay - it's somewhat watchable but NOT the story I was hoping it to be... I never expected literal mesmerism. I thought the Mesmerism title referred to him being metaphorically mesmerized by her.5/10
benji-13 Wonderful scenery, music and a chilly Gothic atmosphere make this a much underrated film of Jodie's career. Best of all I loved her accent especially on the voice over and it sounded pretty authentic to me, people in New Zealand would have spoken with a more British type accent back then so Jodie was spot on I reckon.Also does the title refer to the fact that most of the men (the husband, brother, doctor and even the lawyers) all seem mesmerized by Victoria's beauty as I know I would have been. One thing that was bugging me was were I had seen the actor who played the husband's brother and thanks to IMDb found out he was Billy the Kid from Bill and Ted! Overall a good film to check out from Jodie's pre superstar days.
moonspinner55 One of Jodie Foster's post-Yale disasters (she flailed about in the mid-'80s, trying to find her footing before "The Accused" in 1988 got her on the right path). Young woman at the turn of the century arrives in New Zealand as the arranged bride for a man who turns out to be demented (and with bad teeth); in the second act, the husband dies and the wife stands accused. I have rarely seen a film that looked so unlike what it was trying to capture, with ugly, dulled-out color, poor lighting and ungainly costumes. Foster is a beautiful young woman, but she's hidden here behind an unattractive coif, speaking in a tuneless monotone. John Lithgow plays the unfortunate husband, but there wasn't much (if anything) the actor could do with this villainous rotter, the part being so pre-conceived. The sequence involving the extraction of Lithgow's teeth is excruciating and should clear a room faster than a fire alarm. An ungodly bore, "Mesmerized" was surprisingly co-produced by Foster, who later blamed the whole mess on the careless post-production editing. NO STARS from ****
phart-1 Two very talented actors in a strange and twisted tale. An orphaned girl seeks freedom from her orphanage by marrying an older man she does not love. Not enough character development. Good story with a bad screenplay. I'm sure Jodie would like to stick this one in her "never again" file.