Paper Year
Paper Year
| 19 April 2018 (USA)
Paper Year Trailers

Young newlyweds encounter a series of challenges during the first year of their marriage.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
seanwilson-28908 The basis of the film is off of two protagonist a writer and an actor, female and male respectively. However to call the actor a protagonist may be an exaggeration as the narrative is driven heavily forward by the female/writer leaving the actor to some what like just a supportive medium. The begining is slow and the narrative is lackful yet purposefully or accidentally the viewer is still engaged with the melodramatics of the newly wed couple. The acting is not a masterclass but is complimentary to the film itself and provides an almost intermediate vibe about the film.The narrative and development is somewhat underwhelming with many key focus points simply being brushed over with lack of attention, scenes which seemed focused on do little to leave an impact as the next scene rushes in. Overall the film is nothing spectacular and could be described as nothing more than underwhelming, however the potential for it to be an innovation in the romance/drama genre is ever present. A greater focus on key scenes and further character development of everybody apart from the female lead would of likely benefited this film paramount.
tinttehlyanwai I am not sure I am the only one who don't know the end after watching the whole movie. I got the message what they want to give through the movie and get the same feeling if I were in the actress place. But I am not sure how to end the movie because there are a lot of what left in my mind after the movie such as How do the movie end ? What was the message that the director want to give in final scene ????
motivatedmonkey I enjoyed this movie thoroughly. Although classified as a ROMCOM there is basically no comedy in this. It is a depressing look at how so many relationships end up. The acting was superb, the directing was above average and the lessons learned and note worthy.Over all I would say 7.5
dark matter Going in thought that it would be a typical rom-com with a dumb ending.But it explores the relationship of a young couple who dive into marriage impulsively without much thought put into it.The movie has light and dark moments and its entertaining as well with a apt ending.Both the leads give commendable performances and its an intelligent movie worth seeing