In the Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful
In the Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful
| 01 January 1994 (USA)
In the Heat of Passion II: Unfaithful Trailers

When a wheelchair-bound wife dies from an apparent accident, her husband and his adult stepdaughter turn out to be lovers, who conspired to murder her. However, tensions surface when complications arise regarding her inheritance, and soon the husband and stepdaughter are distrusting and plotting against each other. Who is really behind everything?

Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
jonpd Ultimately strange film that could have easily been titled something differently (I don't see any similarities in the original story). I also don't understand why such good actors as Bostwick, Down, Gross, and McCoy are in this mess. It's not entirely that bad, but it's also not that good. Teresa Hill is a sexy little thing, indeed. But Bostwick?? Come on... I don't like watching the guy on ROCKY HORROR and SPIN CITY degrade himself like this. Standard, predictable plot with okay writing and direction. Gross is almost unrecognizable in this role. Anyhow, worth watching just for the sake of killing time...and a slow time it will be. 3/10
TaxiDoes Enough twists to keep you watching, and it has a nice payoff at the end. Some of the acting is weak, but Teresa Hill is quite good... and very sexy. There's also a brief cameo by Lisa Kudrow as a bank teller. The writing is way above average for this type of genre, but the direction and soundtrack are rather t.v. like.
DDPP "R" rated/"unrated" garbage is not what is advertised as both version hardly has any nudity and couldn't hold a candle to any erotic thrillers of video/cable era. It runs like a bad movie of the week with stock footage of nudity from other Roger Corman films tacked in at the end. (One scene is from HOMOCIDLE IMPULSE)! Don't let the cast fool you, this one is boring, and choppy edited and bad sound and photography. Not to mention bad acting and "nail your camera down to the ground" directing, and the film has nothing to do with the first film, which was very good. The supporting cast has small parts and the rest of film just drags on and on. Begining credit also has some faceless (face not shown) nude body that was used in another Corman film (which I forgot the name). If you want to see a erotic thriller, rent a good Shannon Whirry or Shannon Tweed film, and skit this 5th rate TV-ish film. This film will put you to sleep and wish you never spend $.99 renting it. HIGHLY NOT RECOMMENDED. What a waste of film. Kind of ruined my day seeing this trash on tape.
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