R | 18 December 2015 (USA)
Extraction Trailers

When a former CIA operative is kidnapped by a group of terrorists, his son learns there is no plan for his father to be saved—so he launches his own rescue operation.

Colibel Terrible acting, screenplay and direction.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Jonah Abbott There's no way I can possibly love it entirely but I just think its ridiculously bad, but enjoyable at the same time.
sheldondesousa Typical CIA tough guy dad and wannabe "never going to happen" son. Kellan should have been called Kelly, coz I found the chicks in the movie had more muscle power.Kellan shows us that he is definitely not fit to be a field CIA agent and is better off behind a desk pushing paper. He gets beat up all over the place. The Asian dude had his number for sure. Luckily the Asian guy was in the movie for a short scene. If it were real life Kellan would have his butt in a sling right then. The women seemed more hero types displaying action worth with they guns, cars and hands. Kellan was more like the little butterfly that needed to be saved every now and then. If I were him, I'd send the script back and pick unemployment. Of course, he needed the money and probably a chance to showcase talent. But the movie was a talent killer. Maybe he should try ballroom dance.Its OK if you want to watch an action fight movie when you got nothing else to kill time. Beyond that, it just seemed poorly plotted and one for the forgettable files.
Uriah43 This movie essentially begins with a veteran CIA field agent by the name of "Leonard Turner" (Bruce Willis) being abducted by terrorists who also manage to seize a valuable piece of computer technology from him in the process. Naturally, considering the impact this package might have on the security of the United States an immediate effort is made to find those responsible and either regain or disable the computer device before it can be used. As it so happens, Leonard has a son named "Harry Turner" (Kellan Lutz) who works as an agent for the CIA as well but because he hasn't been certified as a field agent he is not allowed to become involved in the rescue of his father or the reacquisition of the computer equipment in any manner. Harry, on the other hand, has no interest in sitting on the sidelines and as a result he decides to disobey orders and go it alone. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that this has to be one of the most ridiculous films I have seen in a long time as it completely ignores both reality and common sense. Not only that but the film seemed to follow a paint-by-the-numbers approach which further degraded it even more. In short, this wasn't a very good movie and for that reason I have rated it accordingly. Below average.
mrturk182 Over a year and a half ago, I reviewed a Bruce Willis movie called Vice. Okay, it was less of a review and more of an annihilation. I not only said that it was the worst film of 2015, which earned that distinction in only the third week of the year, but I also called it the worst film of the 2010s thus far. I also said that it would be impossible for anyone to take that title of "the worst film of 2015" away from it. While no movie did that, despite Fantastic Four's valiant effort, at the end of the year, another Bruce Willis movie came out in the action thriller genre that also got a VOD release called Extraction. If you read my Vice review, one of my most mind-boggling discoveries that I brought up was how that movie had a 0% Tomatometer score and a 0% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes at the time of its release. Well, I am blown away by the fact that this ALSO got a 0% Tomatometer score on Rotten Tomatoes. And while Vice's Tomatometer score had gone up to 4% in the months that followed, this movie's Tomatometer score actually held up at the time that I'm giving it its own review.Now, in my opinion, this is a better movie than Vice. But that's the only good news I have, because it's another Bruce Willis movie in the action thriller genre that only got a VOD release playing to the top-name actor's pedestrian-level abilities. I wish it were easy to leave it at that, but really, even this autopilot action thriller has a lot of baffling moments. From the dialogue to the acting, to the terrible effects, to the "Bingo"-level editing job, to the sexist behavior, to quite possibly one of the worst twists in film history, it's quite bizarre. And even by the standards of the action thriller formula, or even the Bruce Willis formula, it's quite unpleasant.Score: 8/100 Recommendation: None
debruynolivia As an avid action movie fan I hoped for an evening of mindless explosions, sarcastic humour while watching a now familiar story line, what a disappointment. Being a Die Hard fan, Tears of the Sun and seeing Bruce Willis in the main cast I was hoping to see some RED action with a good female sub-lead in the ranks. This movie is a disgrace to the year 2015. The script was bad, non- existent even,the directing even worse. So many mistakes made in the scenes and the main actor is demeaned to a man that is told what to do by his dad or others in the scene. This takes away so much from Kellan Lutz's normal I can do it myself attitude. With Gina Carano in the cast I was waiting for some Deadpool kick-ass action but was left with a "what the hell happened to Cynthia Rothrock" feeling. All the actors were dealt a raw deal with this movie, why they took it I don't know. Why their PR allowed it is another question? I still want to see Kellan Lutz in a more brainy role, which I think can be pulled off if you look at real life and what he stands for. Bruce Willis will always be a favorite but maybe it is time to retire and leave the CIA roles to the new guys, how about RED 3? Gina Carano, I am all for tough chick action, hopefully she will get a better chance in the Mutant, Superhero genre seeing low-budget movies use her as a prop for a bad script wanting to have some female blood to mix it up - mega fail in this movie. All in all this is a NO, put it back, don't waste your money. I will rather watch Kung Fu Panda 3 with my son than go through this again.