Once Upon a Time in Venice
Once Upon a Time in Venice
R | 16 June 2017 (USA)
Once Upon a Time in Venice Trailers

Steve Ford is a private detective in Venice Beach, Calif., who's good with the ladies, bad with the punches and wild about his dog Buddy. When local thugs steal Buddy, Ford turns to Spyder, their devious leader, and forges an unlikely alliance. With help from his best friend, Steve pulls out the big guns to retrieve Spyder's stolen cash and cocaine and save Buddy.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
kriskaiser420 Decent acting, cohesive plot, good dialogue. I don't understand the bad reviews. A fun movie with a lot of laughs.
docmoshe This vapid piece of drivel showcases the talelentles writing of the worst writer to ever have been accidently had anything produced. Poor Bruce Willis. A nice guy sucked into playing a sympathetic character surrounded by ridiculous cliche scenarios. Cullen couldn't write his way out of a paper bag.
Sherazade I stopped watching the minute I spotted grandpa Willis (butt naked) being beaten up and eventually chased through the streets by the brothers of the twenty-something year old woman he had just slept with. I like grandpa Willis but I really think it's time for him to retire if these are the kind of scripts that are landing in his agent's inbox.
dplante-26699 Like many, I've been a Bruce Willis fan since "Die Hard." And I agree that some of his recent movies have not been as satisfying as I'd like. So that may have led me to some lower expectations with "Once Upon a Time in Venice." But, it's Bruce Willis (and John Goodman, and Jason Momoa, and Thomas Middleditch, and the list goes on), so what the heck.I found myself actually laughing at the dialog and acting (in a good way). The irreverent Bruce Willis attitude was here in full, and EVERYONE else was that way, too, which is one of the things that made this movie really fun. Yes, the action sequences were kind of light, but they fit it perfectly with the tone of the movie.If you want a fun Bruce Willis movie, this one is it. Loved it!
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