| 01 May 2000 (USA)
Icebreaker Trailers

At the the Killington ski resort something has gone awry. Evil terrorists led by the sinister Greig have taken the resort hostage with a stolen nuclear device. It's up to Ski Patrol bum Matt Foster to save the day... and his fiancé.

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Anoushka Slater While it doesn't offer any answers, it both thrills and makes you think.
Mathilde the Guild Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
meddlecore This is a ridiculous, cheesy, and cliché low budget action-thriller, starring Sean Astin and Bruce Campbell.Matt (Astin) is a lowly ski patrol agent that is trying to win over the father (Stacey Keach) of his wealthy girlfriend (Suzanne Turner), whom he hopes to marry despite the class conflict.Meanwhile, a group of terrorists- led by Bruce Campbell- are smuggling in a Russian nuclear device, with plans to blow it up in a major city.Things go awry for his vengeful plot when the plane carrying the device crashes at the ski resort where Matt works. While out looking for a lost Forest Service Agent- whom he eventually teams up with- the two find the downed plane with the nuclear device shortly before armed men show up.Matt soon finds himself embroiled in the middle of a full blown terrorist situation. One in which the love of his life has been taken hostage.Will he be able to save his girl and the day, while winning her father over in the process? It's nothing a few stingers can't handle...While totally implausible on a number of levels, it does have a few nice'n'culty shots. Overall, it's pretty cliché, with a Die Hard plot and Andy Sidaris ending, but it's perfectly watchable.And it does have Bruce. Now, cmon....
vchimpanzee A plane crashes near the Killington ski resort. On board is a container with a radioactivity warning--in the Cyrillic alphabet.A group of terrorists, led by Sandra and the terminally ill Greig, are willing to kill, and they do. The power goes out at the resort, and contact is lost with the outside world, except for incoming calls to the resort.Meg wants to marry ski patrol member Matt, who cleans banks during the off-season. Her rich father Bill does not approve. Through creative and humorous editing, as Meg explains Matt's good qualities, we get to see whether he actually has them. Matt is dealing with some of the terrorists, along with forest ranger Beck, who provides comic relief.Oh, if only the entire movie had the quality of the music with the opening credits, repeated in the final scenes before the closing credits. Beethoven's Ninth Symphony (the part that included the familiar 'Ode to Joy') performed by the Tblisi Symphony Orchestra. The credits didn't list the name of the excellent tenor soloist (I think he was a tenor, anyway). Magnificent.I liked Bruce Campbell better as the comical hero Brisco County. He has his moments here as a smart-aleck villain, but I wouldn't say he could make a career out of playing a bad guy.I felt sorry for Stacy Keach, who apparently was going through a career slump. He did show how talented he is, and if you blink you'll miss it.Resort manager Clay came across as an incompetent idiot, and later as a poor excuse for a human being. I'm not sure this was a good thing. Beck was a more likable loser, and better acted too.There were some interesting chase scenes, including one with a great stunt snowboarder. And plenty of explosions for those not obsessed with them. Also lots of tension toward the end. Early in the movie when the terrorists were in New York City, there was a great overhead shot of what may have been the Empire State Building.But overall, there was nothing really special here.
stamper I don't know why I even comment on this one. I guess it is out of pity for those who think of watching this. DON'T. Filled with inconsistencies, low budget comedy, low budget action, low budget actors and predictable scenes. Have fun instead and go watch a Chicago Bulls game (only if you are a fan of the Bulls). You might laugh at this though, if you're intoxicated, but i was not so:1 out of 10
Original Fred Let me start off by saying I am a huge Bruce Campbell fan. Almost everything he does is great entertainment. Things that come to mind are Evil Dead II, Army of Darkness, Brisco County, Xena, and even Jack of All Trades.So when I saw Icebreaker was playing on Showtime, I thought it might be fun. I was disappointed. I am no movie critic, so let me just describe the movie as bad. Now, some Bruce Campbell movies, like Evil Dead II, are so bad that they are hilarious, and that makes them good. Icebreaker is just plain bad. The plot is silly, the dialog is uninspired, and even the action is tedious, that is, unless you really like skiing and machine guns.It is a shame, because it looked like Icebreaker had a decent budget. I got the impression that about halfway through, everyone realized it was a dud, but they had no choice but to finish it. Next time, someone needs to read the script before they start shooting.