R | 09 December 2011 (USA)
Catch.44 Trailers

The lives of three female assassins take a sudden turn when their charming boss lures them into one last job. They soon find themselves thrust into a bizarre situation involving a psychotic hit man, a grizzled trucker and a delusional line cook.

Steineded How sad is this?
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
painlesstragedy I have to say this is one of the worst films I ever saw next to Tyler Perry's stage/play movies before he was famous or Sweet Potatoe Pie and yes of course to a child I thought Pulp Fiction and Fargo was really bad movies now as I'm much older now. I would have to say that Catch .44 all the people who wrote this movie and script should of catch a .44 between the eyes. Not only is it a bad movie it's worst than Mind the Gap. It's Worst than After Earth! It's worst than pretty much EVERYTHING and I used to work as Manager of a Videostore as my job and deal directly in Video sales and I pretty much watched everything once. This movie is by far worth a 0 rating or a negative rating. DO not watch this people who thought this was a good movie take out a .44 and shoot yourself in the head even. We are overpopulated enough with idiots people who thought this movie was actually OK or just plain good is a NEW BREED of idiot...Kill yourself...please -_- catch a 44 with your brain! No amount of weed or booze can make this movie enjoyable and tolerable and yes I did painfully watch through every single second of this movie...I deserve a SETTLEMENT from the film makers themselves for all the pain and suffering I had to endure. This movie is a disgrace to all movies and should be banned amnd piled up into a Space Shuttle and fired all copies into the SUN. That is how I feel about this movie. All you people who loved it, p1ss off!
OJT I didn't see this film before now, because of the bad criticism here on IMDb, and since I've seen Bruce Willis in some rather bad movies for the latter years. But this is not all bad. It's rather entertaining.OK, this is a Tarantino-like film in more than one way, and it is by no way a perfect film, but it is a debut feature by Aaron Harvey. We must credit him for getting both Willis and Whitaker on board. The story is confusing. It's meant to be. Otherwise it would be just another of those movies. But movies which doesn't follow a linear Hollywood dramatic model struggles with getting good reviews and ratings here.But this film is worth watching if you like entertainment and not so obvious stories. There's a considerable body-count and some great Tarantinoish dialogs. Enough to entertain me. The film isn't slow, but quite talkative, and I think it keeps interest, if you're able to follow the many time lapses.We meet the main gangster and three young women doing a job for him. We also meet another bad guy, ready to use the gun. But things go awfully wrong along the way. Who's fooling who?A talented film maker, which needs more help with manuscripts, and we can wait promising things from Harvey. After the first end credit's there is a start of a continuation. I wish it would have gone even further inside this door. Still I'll be there if there's a sequel even if XXX is killed off...
Frank Dux I have to thank and appreciate the intention OK the makers of this movie of doing films like this, but when you don't have the talent or the know-how to create this kind of pictures it's very hard to accomplish the mission and impossible to nail it. So, what we get it's a Tarantino movie wanna be. I'll start saying the main scene and "leit motiv" fails 'cause it's badly recorded, first dialog may embarrass the creator, the edition is pretty lame (no excuse about the trying of fracture action), personages without charisma, Bruce Willis don't care about his role, I don't know what for is Forest Whitaker in the movie, senseless. Only Akerman (I have seen lately some of her movies and I hope she will get a big role soon and become a top level movie star)cares about performances. Best thing: some songs and the opportunity of seeing Malin Akerman, and Debora Ann Woll (she needs bigger roles in bigger movies as well)too,
djderka Some have panned this flick, some said awful. Truth is, some don't know what awful really is. Like Candy Strippers, some of the SY FY movies, and those horrible videos on zombies and such that show up at small independent film festivals. The "I got a video camera for Christmas and now I can make a movie," kind of movies.Aaron Harvey, director, snagged Bruce Willis (who likes these off beat roles, as in Pulp Fiction, and Forrest Whittaker who was great in this with a gem role of a faltering hit man who entertains himself with wacky characters.Catch .44 opens in a restaurant, an homage to Tarentino and other restaurant openings, with 3 chicks talking not about tips, but sexuality.Basically some cute chicks are hired to do a drug run job, but in reality their boss is planning their demise.I really like the lighting design in this film. It was genius compared to the horrible lighting in Contraband, a 40 million dollar forgettable flick. There was nice subject emphasis, shadow detail, range of tones, and noirish feelings in the lighting design of Catch .44.And Harvey didn't have to 'fade in /out' like Dirty Little Secrets where the director did fade in and out to show a 'time shift', which slowed the movie to a crawl.At least Harvey trusted the audience to know a time shift when it sees one and often just used a CU of a clock to show a time shift.Overall, a great cast, nice direction, great lighting, and not a bad film. Some people critique films on "no redeeming characters"...they are all bad guys they opine. Well try watching Breaking Bad. A great TV series. As was the play Richard III by Shakespeare. So unless you like watching Ozzie and Harriet, the 1950's TV series, be prepared for bad guys as heroes and other flawed characters in the movies. I mean Pulp Fiction had two hit men as the heroes.And OK the ending scene did go on forever with a standoff, but hey did you ever see the end to For a Few Dollars More? That went on forever with a scene containing: Lee Van Cleef, Clint Eastwood, and Eli Wallach in a similar triangle shoot out. I got it as a rental and did enjoy it as a thriller with some quirky, original characters by Willis and Whittaker.