Sniper: Legacy
Sniper: Legacy
| 30 September 2014 (USA)
Sniper: Legacy Trailers

A rogue gunman is assassinating high-ranking military officers one by one. When Gunnery Sgt. Brandon Beckett is informed his father, legendary shooter Thomas Beckett has been killed, Brandon springs into action to take out the perpetrator.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
rayxt "Enjoyable. . .Rather generic . .pants. . . Nothing new here . . This was their last chance to get it right. . . misses and fails to hit its target. . .Waste of time. . .Decent striaght to DVD movie . ."This is a Bulgarian co-production with additional location work on the spectacular isle of Santorini, Greece. If the budget was anything over $3 million it's a miracle. For that the viewer gets excellent (even unbelievablly good value-for-money) cinematography from Martin Chichov which underpins the director working within those tight budget constraints for what is essentially an 'action' movie. A straight-to-dvd movie. No cinema release here. Nobody expects Ben Hur and they don't get it.Under-rated (and sadly under-employed) British RSC classically-trained Dominic Mafham as Major Guy Bidwell is a solid convicing cornerstone for the black ops field commander for the American talent to play around.On late-night TV I expected a real 'Eastern European' co-pro stinker (a la Steven Seagal) and was pleasantly surprised to find that it is not the case. For a great part because of the cinematography pleases the eye of the beholder while the director attempts to suspend disbeliefWisely the producers have re-employed both Mafham and the man behind the lens Chichov on the next Sniper franchise exercise the dvd 2016 Sniper Ghost Shooter
akitchener-06529 Not sure what all the hate is about here. A good film with some beautiful scenery and well-constructed action sequences.Nothing groundbreaking by any means, but Chad Michael Collins as Brandon Beckett is a pretty good lead actor for this reborn franchise. Loved the partnership he has with his female spotter, which was a plot device I didn't expect. Here's hoping it gets explored further as the franchise continues.Seeing a grizzled Tom Berenger as Thomas Beckett back in action, putting the Sniper franchise's two leading men - father and son - on the screen together for the first time.
rottninge I got the honor to watch Sniper: Legacy on the 4327th movie-sitting festival on my grand old couch, alone, before bedtime. (I never understood why it is important to give information on that but anyway...)This has a less serious tone than the previous Sniper movies. I didn't really get it at first but, boy, did I get it during the last 5 minutes. I then understood why many characters were extra stereotypical, where the (sort of) college movie vibes between the younger characters came from, and the more Rambo-ish shoot-outs and 80-ies man-to-man combat scenes came from. If you see it, don't get fooled by the thriller elements in the opening. That is not what it is if you ask me.Actually, I gave it a good five-out-of-ten while watching it. I let the quite frequent factual errors pass because I thought early on that the writers/director/producers probably weren't going for authentic fire-fights. BUT! Then comes the last five minutes and, BOOM, I have to rate it a seven. There's a big risk that many will hate those five minutes. It's like the end is made in that way to let you choose: It explains the rest of the creation, or, it spoils however you felt about the movie up until then.Good casting, decent script, directing seems in place, acting is efficient.That's my take on it. Good night!
Tony Heck "One shot, one kill." Brandon Beckett (Collins) is an elite sniper following in his father's footsteps. When he finds out that a rogue US sniper has been taking out high ranking military officers he wants to find a way to stop him. When he finds out that his dad, the legendary Thomas Beckett (Berenger) was one of the victims it becomes personal. Collins is on a quest for blood but when he is ambushed he is surprised that his father is the one who rescues him. Now the two of them together must not only stop the assassin but figure out who it is and why he is doing this. I have to admit that I have seen all of the other movies in this series but I don't really remember any of them. To me that's not the sign of a good movie. They are all pretty much the same thing and a little too slow for me. My son has really enjoyed these so we sat down to watch this together. I had to fight to stay awake and so did he. When it was over his only comment was the last 15 minutes was good the rest was really boring. I have to agree, when you watch a movie called Sniper you are looking for action and suspense. This one focused too much on the father/son aspect which normally is a good thing but the writing and dialog were not the best and the movie just seemed to drag on and on. There was a lot of planning scenes and not enough action scenes for either of us to stay interested in. Overall, fans of the others may like this but be prepared, there isn't as much action as you have come to expect from this series. I give it a C+.