The Room
The Room
R | 27 June 2003 (USA)
The Room Trailers

Johnny is a successful banker with great respect for and dedication to the people in his life, especially his future wife Lisa. The happy-go-lucky guy sees his world being torn apart when his friends begin to betray him one-by-one.

CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
TaryBiggBall It was OK. I don't see why everyone loves it so much. It wasn't very smart or deep or well-directed.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
andreyguerreirodaluz This movie is GORGEOUS. It ´s a masterpiece. This honors movies as art. Absolutely EVERYTHING about this movie is perfect. The name, the voice acting, the filmography, the plot, EVERYTHING. Tommy Wiseau is truly a genius that needs to be praised just as much as Stephen Hawking or Albert Einstein, he´s a man that changed the history of mankind by realeasing a true piece of art, that is know as "The Room". He is the man that created the best film in cinematic history. And we should do a monument to honor him. The day he dies, the world will loose a GOD. "YOU´RE LION A- NEVER HIT YOU! YOU ARE TEARING ME APART LISA!!!"
thee_alchemist I don't know why everybody is hating on this movie. I thought it was a great film. Visually thrilling, executed with pin-point accuracy, and pleasing to every sense imaginable. Tommy's camera work and acting put everybody in a trance that is only broken when that friendly clarinet theme leads us into the ending credits. This movie needs less hate and more love. I believe that Tommy Wiseau is on a whole other wave-length than the general public. People just don't "get" what he is all about. One day we will all see and understand, and we'll all be see how blind we were before. I mean, just look at his latest works to know that Tommy has got it and hasn't lost it. "The Neighbors" hasn't got half the attention that it deserves. I love you Tommy. Keep doing what you are doing and continue blocking out all of the criticism and hate, because you are a unique human being who still has much to offer to the cinematic world.
tefen In all honesty I actually enjoyed this movie and did not think it was bad like everyone else does. It is sickening how shallow, uncaring, and horrible people are these days that they just laugh at this and find it humorous. The movie both exposes what the typical Modern American/Western Women has become and at the same time it exposes how horrible, heartless, and ill-minded the people are that watch this and laugh about it. Being cheated on by the love of your life with someone you thought was your friend is not a funny thing to go through in life and I only hope that the people who laugh at this may one day have to endure the same thing themselves. Maybe then they will understand, however I doubt they will even care or even genuinely love the person they are with and probably cheat on them all the time. If you are reading this "Tommy Wiseau" please know that at least 1 person genuinely enjoyed your film and found it emotionally moving. It is not you who failed at making a good movie, it is like your movie shows with modern women failing to be good people that modern Americans fail to be good people.
Anthony Giancola Is it really possible that this luminous masterpiece is a first feature film? It is as though Mozart had started his career in composition with one of his mature symphonies. What is totally special about 'The Room' is the visual control that Tommy Wiseau applies to the story, and his use of fabulous music to embed his amazing images in our mind. The 'Talented Mr. Ripley'-ish story could have been turgid, but Wiseau turns it into a mythic journey.At the heart of Wiseau's method is the fabulous use of repetition in his work with the character Greg. "What's going on here?". This has been characteristic of each of Wiseau's films. Here it totally sucks the viewer into the story and is just about, the high-point of 2000s cinema. Alongside this, Wiseau uses some of the most haunting music in existence. Whether it is Kitra Williams or Clint Jun Gamboa, Wiseau transports us with fabulous romantic imagery that perfectly balances it.I started on this comment determined not to use the word 'poetry', but I just can't avoid it. With nearly all filmmakers, including very great ones, the style that they present is very much prose - great prose, perhaps, but firmly rooted on the ground. With Wiseau, we are taken, emotionally, to the stars by the lyric magnificence of the totality of his vision.It is said that Welles learned cinema by watching John Ford's 'Stagecoach' before embarking on 'Citizen Kane'. Every young filmmaker should watch this amazing masterpiece again and again and again and inform their work with Wiseau's matchless sense of true cinema.