Birdemic: Shock and Terror
Birdemic: Shock and Terror
NR | 27 February 2010 (USA)
Birdemic: Shock and Terror Trailers

A platoon of eagles and vultures attacks the residents of a small town. Many people die. It's not known what caused the flying menace to attack. Two people manage to fight back, but will they survive Birdemic?

Micitype Pretty Good
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Abbigail Bush what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
christianmomsagainstbirdemic SPOILER: This movie is sincemtatic masterpiece that it achieves all poiints in movie art adn i think that this movie is theone of the classics and cult hjits of this decade in fact i think that everyone should atleast s ee it once and i think maybe they get a new point of view of birds and global wamrnig?? anyways i cried when the birds tatacked athe scity :((( but that was a given since this movie is filled with plot twist and whioops that is spoiler hahaha. overall, solid movie would watch again and again like the sequel. :v
mmevanille-53097 Thank you James for giving me the biggest laugh of my life. This is truly a masterpiece. The scene when the birds first attacked, was pure gold.... the high pitched noise and sound effects probably found from those free sound effect website, probably of the Luftwaffe.... it cant be expressed in words. The whole film is a work of art. Ive seen the Room and Troll 2 as well as others and they are very funny films but this one is the best.Adam Baugh actually looks like he is trying to act when he is walking. Everything in this film is just oh sooooo good. One of those masterpieces that happen every decade.
creatureofthereel Well, the title immediately grabbed my attention, I love films like this, Asylum and Syfy films are where I go when I want to be entertained easily and don't have to follow the plot. Birdemic is in a league of its own, I have watched a couple of times now and I still cannot decide whether the actors believe this is a serious role or that they are fully aware of how bad the film is so don't really try to act! This doesn't mean I didn't enjoy the movie, I did enjoy it, it made me laugh and reminds me that almost any film can bring enjoyment as long as you don't get all "film elitist" Watch it, its fun. Then watch the second.
creator-84868 No words can describe the true horror that this movie has brought me. I had to stop halfway through this movie to cry and remember how to breathe. I cannot express how truly shocked this movie has left me. This movie will invade my dreams and haunt my thoughts for weeks, I don't remember what life is anymore. This movie needs to be burned. I would like to erase it from my memory. For the love of god, please, don't subject yourself to this. This movie legitimately makes me want to die. Kill me. Kill this movie. Please. I need therapy.
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