Dr. Caligari
Dr. Caligari
R | 01 December 1989 (USA)
Dr. Caligari Trailers

Mrs. Van Houten has shown signs of losing touch with reality, and her husband discusses possible treatment with Dr. Caligari, who says Mrs. Van Houten has a disease of the libido.

Raetsonwe Redundant and unnecessary.
Ensofter Overrated and overhyped
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Brainsbell The story-telling is good with flashbacks.The film is both funny and heartbreaking. You smile in a scene and get a soulcrushing revelation in the next.
SexyHorrorsDotCom Steven Sayadian co-wrote this film and two others with Jerry Stahl, who was the subject of a Ben Stiller film called Permanent Midnight. The other two films are the X-rated gems entitled "Cafe Flesh" and "Night Dreams." The latter is considered one of the great adult films ever made and for good reason...it's truly amazing! If you liked Caligari you should really check out Night Dreams: yes it is XXX but the style is all surreal and dark with a fair dose of bizarre comedy. Also part of the soundtrack is from Wall of Voodoo! (Their version of Ring of Fire is in one very sexy sequence). Cafe Flesh is less surreal but I highly recommend it for the science fictional-porn plot alone. www.SexyHorrors.com
ftapb1 I love this movie. It is one of my favorites of all time. The connection between it and the original are subtle but present. I am not going to spoil it by giving those away, but I do recommend watching the 1920 movie first, then this one and think about what it would have been like without the revelation at the end. This movie lacks the revelation, it is up to the viewer to deduce it. I saw a number of reviews of this movie that made the claim it had no connection to the original outside of title (on other sites, here loved it or hated it). Sad, sorry people that did not get it. I think that both this movie and the director should get more acclaim for not just this film but his adult titles as well.
Walter Five This is simply one of the strangest films ever made. Directed by Stephen Sayadian, the man that gave you the Sci-Fi Porn Thriller, "Cafe Flesh", "Dr. Caligari" is one of the 80's cult films that is *so* strange, *so* bizarre, that it defies ordinary description. More Mondo than "Forbidden Zone", more inexplicable than "Eraserhead", more indescribable than "Invocation of my Demon Brother", it's a psychotic psychodrama romp semi-sequel to "The Cabinet of Dr. Caligari"; it seems Dr. Caligari's grand-daughter has opened her own asylum for the sexually maladjusted, and is experimenting on her patients. Words cannot do this film justice. It's a shame it's out of print. It's totally brilliant!!!
len62 I absolutely love this movie. It has so many different levels to appreciate. Besides the main twisted storyline that should make any cult movie lover wriggle, there is an interesting use of colors in the film (bright pinks, neon yellows, etc) that reminds me of the Dick Tracy movie. It is also just full of catty one-liners that my friends and I use all the time (i.e., "I know what it's like when a girl needs her prescription filled." and "Ms. Koombs is less aware than the chair that you're squirming in now."). With the strong sexual themes and partial female nudity, I often refer to it as an "art film". I have watched this movie over thirty times, and I still find new symbolism and hidden meanings when I view it each time.I feel that this movie would especially appeal to fans of the John Waters films (Pink Flamingos, Female Troubles, Desperate Living, etc), but if you're offended by sexual discussions involving drag queens and lesbians, this is NOT the movie for you.