Birdemic 2: The Resurrection
Birdemic 2: The Resurrection
| 09 April 2013 (USA)
Birdemic 2: The Resurrection Trailers

A platoon of eagles and vultures attack Hollywood, California. Why did the eagles and vultures attack? Who will survive?

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Konterr Brilliant and touching
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
kalebodonnell-93102 In birdemic 2: the resurrection they take all the things you could laugh at about birdemic and ruin it The stock transitions with terrible sound effects really ruin the experience further, and when they stop the "fight" scenes start, while it's slightly better they are just birds lazily overlaid onto the film barely moving with people waving around objects 10 out of 10 ign
BloodMethAndTears Ι proudly admit to have watched this masterpiece of a movie. The effects and cgi were just astonishing and the SFX sound was... breathtaking. It is indeed a horror film,nothing like what you have seen. The best horror movie I have ever seen. Horror movies like Psycho,The Exorcist,Seven are nothing compared to this movie. Oh, I should mention also the incredible acting... Its just astonishing to watch the lead actor acting the hell out of it. The way he walks and speak... its pure magic. Also, I loved the ecological messenger of the movie: "Don't cut down trees to make toilet paper". A movie you must watch before you die. It is NAWWTTT even a movie. Its a whole experience that's going to alter your life.
Jarrod Halpern This movie is really not worth the 3.99 you have to pay to watch it legally. There are points where it seems like James Nguyen is just trying to get people to watch it by desperately throwing in pointless nudity, zombies, and cavemen. The audio HAS improved since the first movie, but it still sounds like IPhone 3g audio at times. The signs on buildings are blurred out in many scenes, and it just seems like a very low quality film. You can't just take a bunch of 5 dollar props, a few clips from the internet, and some CGI birds you used in your last movie and throw it all together. The budget just cannot be blamed for this abomination. It is fun to make fun of and to mock. I barely got through the first 10 minutes without laughing at the mockery of a movie this is.
RevRonster The first film was amazing because it was one of those bad movies that was just fun to watch because nothing about it worked. It got a lot of attention so it was no surprise a sequel was made but when the sequel is just the director trying to recapture the magic of the first film and trying to force lightning to strike twice by doing the same thing all over again but upping the campiness up to obnoxious levels, the end result is just something that elicits annoyance and not amusement.All the things that made the first film fun is back like really, REALLY bad acting, special effects that will make a computer become sentient and weep for how his processing powers were wasted on screensaver looking graphics and editing that looks like it was done blindfolded. However, director/writer James Nguyen decides he's going to intentionally make the film bad and try to parody his talked about first film and, by doing this, completely destroys any and all attempts at making this a watchable movie as he decides to pointless tack on out-of-place nudity, cavemen and zombies...because, why not? The entire movie just stank of someone making a spectacle of themselves in order to get attention. The first movie is the equivalent of a man accidentally walking into a door and the man, and the witness, have a good laugh over the mistake but the man, in dire need to once again get the applause of the witness, now walks into every door he sees to try and make the witness laugh again but, once it becomes intentional, the occurrence isn't funny or amusing. That's "Birdemic 2" in a nutshell. It's a sad attempt at trying to make the viewer have the same fun they had with the first film but doing it in a way that all effort is forced and obnoxious.Hi, my name is Rev. Ron and I'm obsessed with movies! You can read a more in-depth review of this film (and many other films) at my blog at