Donkey Punch
Donkey Punch
R | 18 July 2008 (USA)
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Three hot girls, four guys, and one mega-swanky yacht collide for a serious night of drugs and sexual deviancy. One debaucherous act goes too far though, turning this teen joy ride into a weekend of bloody bedlam.

Helloturia I have absolutely never seen anything like this movie before. You have to see this movie.
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Plustown A lot of perfectly good film show their cards early, establish a unique premise and let the audience explore a topic at a leisurely pace, without much in terms of surprise. this film is not one of those films.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Leofwine_draca Seabound thrills ahoy in this contemporary British thriller, made with a youthful cast and shot in just 24 days in exotic locales. In essence, it's a straightforward psychological thriller that takes much of the ideas in its plot from the likes of DEAD CALM and VERY BAD THINGS, although it doesn't rival those two movies in terms of the amount of thrills on offer. There's a kind of lunkheaded, teenage anything-goes attitude in this movie, as revealed by the cast members who will literally do anything for the next thrill. It's all rather unpleasant, over the top and jaded, as none of the thrill-seekers are remotely likable or interesting so you end up sitting around and waiting for the next person to bite it.Things begin with a slow build up, which is hard to watch. That's because the realistic script means the protagonists are typically vain, self centred and unappealing. Then we move onto a sex scene that might better be called an 'orgy', which pushes the boat in terms of explicitness before ending with the titular act, which is not quite as shocking as you'd think. Tempers and attitudes then spiral out of control as each character reveals his or her weakness: some become paranoid, some go crazy, some are consumed by guilt and others turn literally homicidal. A taut dining sequence ensues with an expertly violent climax, there's an excellent interlude where a flare gun is put to fine use, plus a gratuitous scene of torture which is fairly compelling as it explores the lengths an ordinary person will go to when they're desperate. The climax becomes a little over the top (the outboard motor scene recalled The Texas Chain Saw Massacre for me) and then ends abruptly, but is not without merit.Director Oliver Blackburn – this is his first proper work – handles the thrills and suspense with efficiency if not courage, but he fails to bring any real style to the proceedings, giving this film the look of an average HOLLYOAKS episode. The youthful cast give it their all, and despite their relative inexperience (other than Ray Winstone's daughter Jaime, most have had just bit parts in various British TV series) they do a pretty good job. This is a film that breaks no new ground – and indeed isn't really worth more than a single watch – but it delivers the goods ably enough.
ChucksLuck OK, so I've just watched this and can't really understand why the ratings have been so poor. It's not brilliant but it's alright, there are definitely far, far, FAR worse films out there. Basically, three girls go to Majorca for the weekend, meet four blokes and go to their yacht for fun and frolics. Their afternoon of debauchery turns to tragedy when during quite a graphic sex scene one girl, Lisa, is donkey punched resulting in a broken neck and, well, death. Personally I didn't think it was as amazing as some reviews have suggested but I'm not a 15 year old boy who's never seen a pair of boobs or a willy before. The rest of the film centres around the remaining characters to fight for their survival involving a lot of blood and violence, all scenes I thought were pretty decent. Don't be put off by the poor reviews on here, it is worthy of a watch. Watch it if only to watch the annoying bloke bleed slowly to death.
the dead parrot's cat the dead cat's parrot It does contain spoilers....If you are looking for a good film.... This is not it. The idea of some guys with some girls on a boat out on the sea, doing drugs, 'partying' and then an accident happening and things getting out of hand while everybody is in outer space.... It's not a bad idea. This film however is just senseless. It shows almost zero insight in human behaviour.... I really don't feel like commenting more about it, just would like to point out that it is a disappointing film. And I didn't even expect much from it. It began OK, until the actual Donkey Punch, from there it just started to become more and more dreadful. It could've been better in many ways, almost all. Though the acting of the female actors was OK (Jaime Winstone was also good in Dead Set) and some of the guys weren't all that bad either. The problem is the storyline. Perhaps next time involve a decent psychologist in the writing process.... Or just someone with common sense. "Common sense is not so common", presumably said by Voltaire. Hence the fact there are so many mediocre or worse films. Anyways I wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Not to be an ass really. I wish the writers the best of luck and hope they will do better than this in the future.
ian_campbell6 A friend recommended this and he is not a friend anymore. How did this ever get made? It is ridiculous film completely. Is this all British film funding can invest in- a film bout someone getting killed by a 'slap of the penis'? Maybe the problem is that most directors need a couple of films before they produce something worthwhile. But how on earth did the director think that a story like this would be a good idea? Im baffled and completely out of touch with his though processes. Its all a bit 'laddy' for me, film with kids taking drugs, looking for sex with backing rave music, then some 'tarantino rip-off' drama happens. Better British films out there like 'The Business'. One to avoid at all costs.