The Debt
The Debt
R | 31 August 2011 (USA)
The Debt Trailers

Rachel Singer is a former Mossad agent who tried to capture a notorious Nazi war criminal – the Surgeon of Birkenau – in a secret Israeli mission that ended with his death on the streets of East Berlin. Now, 30 years later, a man claiming to be the doctor has surfaced, and Rachel must return to Eastern Europe to uncover the truth. Overwhelmed by haunting memories of her younger self and her two fellow agents, the still-celebrated heroine must relive the trauma of those events and confront the debt she has incurred.

Lumsdal Good , But It Is Overrated By Some
Erica Derrick By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Reno Rangan I'm glad that I finally saw it. All these years something stopped me from watching it, but not this time. So I forget what this film was about and went for it thinking it was about money related theme as the title hints. That's a surprise, because it was a spy film and a good one too. I almost loved the whole film, but a few parts were not up to the expectations including the conclusion. I mean I liked that, but according to the climate in the story I anticipated a good ending, even it was cliché I would have not cared.It is the remake of an Israeli film of the same name and obviously slight changes were made in this version. There are two sets of the same characters, because the story takes place in the two different timelines. Hence the young ones and the old ones of the same roles were played by the different actors. They all were amazing, particularly Jessica Chastain led from the front and finished it off quite neatly by Helen Mirren. At one point I thought it was a martial art film, but that part was just a build up like any spy theme.The story holds the suspense, like it does not let us know what they were doing. And when you come to know their intention, the new angle of suspense arises. Like theirs plan to accomplish the mission. Besides the love triangle pours more anticipation towards the conclusion. Apart from the actors, the writing was the most impressive job, to tell the tale very successfully. If it could have not shied away of the clichés, it would have been a masterpiece. Still a very good film and definitely worth a watch.7/10
AliceofX The Debt tries too much to be an action thriller when it should have focused on being a drama, because there really isn't that much action in the story. On the other hand a drama with a focus on the characters could have given the story more depth. But honestly that is just criticizing the movie for what it isn't. As for what it is is a very decent film that will be entertaining even despite the story's flaws. Out of those the most annoying would probably be the flash forwards that are then later repeated in their entirety even though we've seen them already. It's annoying and adds nothing new to the experience.That and the story doesn't really lead to anything with an ending that seems weird and made up on the last minute. What was Vogel's relationship to the patient claiming to be him and why was he doing it? None of that is explained and the fight at the end seems out of place.That said The Debt is not a bad film, above mediocre I would say, and overall a good watch.
Red_Identity I feel like there's a really great crime thriller in here, or at least, it could've been great with other creators. That sounds harsh, and maybe it is and I shouldn't diss every film for not hitting the best possible levels or heights. But, it is sort of disappointing, if not really surprising just because the film hasn't had much hype or popularity since it came out until this time. Both Helen Mirren and Jessica Chastain are the clear standouts, with the latter proving to have an insanely crazy and almost impossible year in terms of film and her breakout. Overall, the film is nicely made all around (if maybe a little too pulpy, or not pulpy enough?) and while I don't think it's all that great, still very much worth it.
dromasca 'The Truth' or 'The Truth That Needs To Be Said'? this is one of the dilemmas facing the heroes of 'The Debt', which is quite an exotic entry in the list of films made by John Madden, the exoticism being that it's well closer to the pattern of routine Hollywood thrillers than movies like Shakespeare in Love or The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel.There are however a few reasons that make this film interesting, even if you are not necessarily a fan of Mossad action movies processed by the American commercial cinema filters. This is the story of an unfinished business which involves a team of Israeli idealistic young agents of Mossad trying to capture in the 60s one of the notorious war criminals modeled on the image of 'doctor' Mengele. Their mission takes them in no other place than East Berlin in the days of the Cold War, and when things go wrong they have to make extreme choices - not only about life and death, but also about absolute and convenient truth. The story alternates between the 60s and the 90s, which opens another kind of question mark about whether big mistakes can ever be fixed. Of course they can, it's Hollywood stuff after all. This does not necessarily result in a great movie.While the premises are interesting the execution is far from brilliant. Director Madden brings nothing new in a genre that had so many successes and even more failures, beyond quite a rigorous and detailed rendition of the East Berlin atmosphere. The biggest failure is however in the way he directs the characters of his Israeli heroes. They behave and talk like no Israeli, and even the setting of the scenes supposed to take place in Israel in Israeli location does not help. The approach is superficial and does not go too deep beyond the crust of the characters, and this crust does not seem genuine at all. I love Helen Mirren, she is best as queens or chief-detective roles, and I found even her acting as a retired agent in the RED series to be delicious. Here she undertakes another retired agent role, and I am sorry to say, she is not at her best. At the end of the screening I remained with the feeling that the makers of this film still have some 'Debt' to their viewers.