| 19 May 2011 (USA)
Snowtown Trailers

Based on true events, 16 year-old Jamie falls in with his mother's new boyfriend and his crowd of self-appointed neighborhood watchmen, a relationship that leads to a spree of torture and murder.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Geraldine The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
Heather I don't understand all of the reviews saying how dark and good this move was. Sorry but I'm a horror/dark movie fan and this did nothing for me. Just wanted to give a heads up to others who may be a fan of the genre. Movie was very disjointed and honestly could have been remarkably darker than it was.
Maddey Eccleston A true crime story is always intriguing but this beauty goes beyond. If that's your thing, like it is mine to watch all those documentaries on serial killers, this movie will melt you in your seat. The way the layout of this movie is conveyed it just makes you want more to happen you want to know more. The actors in this movie each suited the role they played and were all perfect. There isn't one thing about this movie I'd change, in fact I could sit here and watch Snowtown over and over because each time I watch it I pick up something new,It's a must see movie, I would recommend this to anyone especially if you liked Chopper (2000). This is portrayed in a very similar way.
gorepump Based on Australia's worst serial killer, "The Snowtown Murders" - aka. The Bodies in Barrels Murders - is the story of John Bunting, a vicious and highly manipulative psychopath who preyed upon and murdered 11 young men around a Southern Australian suburb throughout the 90s. Bunting ended up marrying the mother of a teenager whom he convinced to assist him and his sleazy crew in exterminating those he deemed as gay, pedophiles or junkies. Many of Bunting's victims were found mutilated, usually with signs of rectal torture, and stuffed into barrels inside of an unused bank he had rented.This film does a phenomenal job of portraying these events in a very dark and unsettling, yet highly character driven mien. All of the performances are tremendous and the desolate locale makes for a very bleak and tragic backdrop. The movie doesn't rely too heavily on all-out on screen violence, although the few scenes of torture and murder depicted are truly harsh and gritty, as well as it's rather brash depictions of pedophilia and incest. There's also some animal butchering on tap."The Snowtown Murders" definitely ranks high on my list of strongest serial killer biopics of all time. It's one of those films that will stick with you for a bit. Gotta say, though, it's not for everyone, but if you're cool with "rougher" types of cinema, "Snowtown" comes highly recommended.More Gorepump reviews at
shaye22 For casual viewers who don't know anything about the real case (look it up - very interesting/disturbing), this film is VERY hard to follow. The plot is quite disjointed and it would have benefited from probably a shorter duration and a more coherent flow for those who did not know much about the case. I found myself becoming disinterested in some of the long, drawn out scenes where I did not really understand what was happening. In retrospect, after researching the case, I will probably give the film a re-watch.Other than that the film was solidly acted and had some very impressive, raw cinematography - the film was full of very simple, banal elements like power lines, water towers, naked trees, isolated landscapes and low ceilings of clouds… and while the film is set amongst this industrial ugliness and poverty/malaise of the outer suburbs, there is a lyrical, dreamlike beauty about the way this harsh world is presented, often in saturated, dark low light reminiscent of David Lynch, the early Cohen Brothers work and the similarly themed "Boys Don't Cry" (1999), which would be worth checking out if you enjoyed this one.7/10