The Beast of War
The Beast of War
R | 14 September 1988 (USA)
The Beast of War Trailers

During the war in Afghanistan a Soviet tank crew commanded by a tyrannical officer find themselves lost and in a struggle against a band of Mujahadeen guerrillas in the mountains.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
SnoReptilePlenty Memorable, crazy movie
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
dmdavis-687-77066 This has some really stunning shots of Israel. The old Russian tank running around the desert is rather impressive, but the plot is rather creaky as a dramatic tool; its execution here is offensively trite pacifist tripe, with the characters being so over-the-top as to be caricatures of themselves. Hats off to the professionalism of the actors for speaking their lines with such apparent sincerity. I cannot think of any one role that stuck me as realistic. Sad to note the service affiliation of the military advisor and one can only hope that, were we to take him out for a beer, he'd spend the entire time complaining about how the director refused to take his advice. It seems like every time any of the characters spoke, I'd be thinking "That would never have been said!!". To make up for the insulting portrayal of Russian tankers, I would suggest turning the sound off and playing the entire movie while listening to music by Tchaikovsky, Mussorgsky, Borodin and Rimsky-Korsakov. Then all you would be upset by are the stupid weapons effects and ridiculous costuming. BTW: That type of tank gets about one mile per gallon of fuel, another issue that kept making the whole thing just look "stupid."
Uriah43 While conducting operations during the Soviet-Afghan War, a Soviet tank gets separated from its platoon and becomes the target of Mujahideen warriors who seek to destroy it before it can reach the Kandahar highway and eventual safety. Compounding their problems, the crew is led by a tyrannical tank commander by the name of "Daskal" (George Dzundza) who becomes highly suspicious of his own men and is perfectly willing to punish—or even kill—those who threaten his authority. Two men in particular are held in contempt by him: The first is an Afghan interpreter named "Samad" (Erick Avari) who is a committed communist but is too cultured and well-mannered for Daskal's liking. The second is a Soviet soldier by the name of "Konstantin Koverchenko" (Jason Patric) who demonstrates an intellectual philosophy that is totally at odds with Daskal's view of the world in general. But rather than accept these inherent differences in order to form a coherent team, Daskal wages his own war with them while also engaging a fierce and implacable Afghan enemy as well. Now rather than reveal any more I will just say that I thought this film was one of the best "tank movies" I have ever seen as it captures the difficulties that a crew of this type might face in a life-and-death struggle against the harsh desert elements combined with a ferocious foe. Additionally, I especially liked the fact that the action was extremely realistic and that all of the aforementioned actors performed in an exceptional manner as well. A remarkable film!
birck I knew nothing about this film when I decided to watch it-I was interested in tank warfare, and movies about that are thin on the ground. The first pleasant surprise was that (in the print that I saw) the Afghans' dialogue is subtitled (rare in a pre- 2000 Hollywood film), and that the Russian characters speak plain American English. No clunky Russian accents, just dialogue between characters who all speak the same language. At first the "plot", such as it is, seemed pretty predictable. That may be true, but the way the film presents the plot is not predictable. All the praise the film gets in these reviews is merited-the acting is good, the story is believable, and what drives the story comes as a surprise. It may be a low-budget film, but if I had known about it when it came out, it would have put my butt in a theater seat somewhere, and I would have loved every minute.
ChillEastweed A Soviet tank unit destroys an Afghan village and the crew of five of the sole surviving tank attempt to rendezvous with the rest of their division, but get lost along the way, trapped in a desolate desert valley while Mujahadeen guerrillas keep hunting them. Stress and tension keeps rising between the tank crew.Very little-known anti-war movie. Well acted, nice cinematography. Nothing too cliché, nothing too over the top action, very entertaining and still holds up well today. The title may fool you that it is some 80's b-movie but it's definitely not.Better tank movie than Fury (2014).