PG | 08 October 1993 (USA)
Gettysburg Trailers

In the summer of 1863, General Robert E. Lee leads the Confederate Army of Northern Virginia into Gettysburg, Pennsylvania with the goal of marching through to Washington, D.C. The Union Army of the Potomac, under the command of General George G. Meade, forms a defensive position to confront the rebel forces in what will prove to be the decisive battle of the American Civil War.

Cortechba Overrated
Keeley Coleman The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
funewriter-39429 "Gettysburg" was an amazing depiction of the battle that was the turning point in the Civil War. From Martin Sheen as GEN. Robert E. Lee, Tom Berenger as GEN Longstreet, and Jeff Daniels as COL Chamberlain to the extras who played the citizens of Gettysburg the cast was terrific in their roles. The ability to use the Town of Gettysburg and the actual battlefield only contributed to the films authenticity. The research the Art Director, Costume and Set Designers and crew did to insure the authenticity of costumes, props, and locations enhanced this epic tremendously.This, in my opinion, is one of the finest movie depicting War ever made. "Gettysburg" ability to humanize war and those who fought in the Civil War sets the standard for future films.
mrharper77 Short and to the point, i LOVED the idea that someone would make a movie from one of the few books i have read more than once, Robert Maxwell, who was a devotee of the book The Killer Angels did just that., i get it i get it you wanted to worship at the altar of the author's altar, but could you have gotten a better writer and composer for this film? MAN oh man,! it wasn't the bloviating i minded, it was the stupid banal dialogue that was coming out of the actors mouths AS they were bloviating. The most childish. insulting to the viewers, type of dialogue EVER. The scene that stinks the most is the scene where the scout tries to get the pickets to let him see General Longstreet, and then the dialogue between the scout and Longstreet with the "good Virginia tobacco" line, or the over blown Sam Elliot's speech about the "the High ground, the high ground" my friends and i, just laugh at that bit, hey Sam why don't you just drop to your knees and pound the dirt with your fist as you say it..ack!!. The rest of the film really needed to be shown as it was intended to be, on TBS, over a couple of nights. it would have helped. Oh while im ranting that God awful hat Berenger apparently, INSISTED, on wearing even though it bore NO resemblance to the real Longstreet's hat..that being said it WAS a Civil War film and it was better than others. BUT....! just think if Maxwell and Turner had hired the writers for "Glory",it would made a ton of difference.
Joseph Schmitz This movie was extremely well done with many memorable quotes, the movie does take a very long time to reach its point but it does relive many skirmishes of the Gettysburg battle. All casting choices were great especially with Martin Sheen as Robert E Lee. The movie reviews the rise and fall of the great military leader "Stonewall" Jackson and the charge of the Confederates farthest advancement into the northern states. This is a relatively accurate representation of the battles and the book written by Michael Shaara. If you are looking for a good film with accurate battle descriptions then this is a good movie (If you have the time that is).
Peter Gonzales Gettysburg, based on Michael Shaara's award-winning novel, The Killer Angels, this film depicts the long and violent three day battle between the Union and the Confederates in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. I really liked this movie because it was actually filmed in Gettysburg and for the most part, it remains very consistent with the historical accuracy of the actual battle with very few errors. This movie could be related to the Battle of Gettysburg (1913). The main difference between them is the filming location where Gettysburg was filmed on location where the Battle of Gettysburg was filmed in Malibu, California. Also, the Battle of Gettysburg was a silent film. In conclusion, Gettysburg was a very good film and I would recommend viewing it but make sure you have plenty of free time!!