Friendly Persuasion
Friendly Persuasion
NR | 25 November 1956 (USA)
Friendly Persuasion Trailers

The story of a family of Quakers in Indiana in 1862. Their religious sect is strongly opposed to violence and war. It's not easy for them to meet the rules of their religion in everyday life but when Southern troops pass the area they are in real trouble. Should they fight, despite their peaceful attitude?

Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
GazerRise Fantastic!
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
Martin Bradley This piece of authentic homespun Americana is still one of a handful of truly great films made by its director William Wyler. It won the Palme d'Or at Cannes, something almost unheard of for an American film at the time. It's simplicity itself; a tale of Quakers during the American Civil War and very smiliar in style and tone to Andrew McLaglen's "Shenandoah". Gary Cooper, (never better), is the peace-loving farmer, Dorothy McGuire, (equally good), is his wife and Anthony Perkins, (brilliant in only his second film and picking up an Oscar nomination), is the son who goes off to fight.Wyler, who himself served in the Second World War, was too canny a director to make an outright anti-war film though the message of the picture is clear. He was also too good a director to fudge it. It may move at a quiet, almost stately pace while remaining one of his most overtly cinematic pictures. A huge hit in its day, it seems now to have all but disappeared.
David Ferguson Greetings again from the darkness. Released in 1956, this William Wyler film holds up today because some of the debate and dilemmas touched on remain unresolved 57 years (and numerous wars) later. The film takes place in 1860's Indiana as the Civil War rages. The story is told from the perspective of a pacifist Quaker family and is based on the 1945 book by Jessamyn West.The patriarch of this Quaker family is played by Gary Cooper, who was four years past his Oscar winning performance in High Noon, and five years from his death due to cancer. His wife, the Minister Eliza, is played well by Dorothy McGuire, who the following year would play the mother in Old Yeller. The film's best performance comes from young Anthony Perkins (his second film) who of course made cinematic history as Norman Bates in the 1960 classic Psycho. Both of these Perkins characters share mommy issues and complicated decisions of conscience.The opposition to war and violence is the main theme here, and there have been many interpretations over the years. Is it religious belief or fear that prevents the men from joining the cause? At least Perkins' character is honest enough to wonder. Cooper kind of plays against type here since he was so often a man of movie action, but in reality his strength of character and belief allows him to maintain his image.Comedy relief is at hand given the youngest son's ongoing battle with Samantha the Goose, a family pet with devious attack modes. And daughter Mattie, played by Phyllis Love, falls madly in love with a soldier played by Peter Mark Richman. See, every character has their own personal battles and decisions regarding conscience and violence.The great Margaret Main has a sequence as a single mother of three daughters (every one a gem!). The daughters introduce Cooper and Perkins to the joys of music ... forbidden by the Quaker church. One of the daughters is played by Marjorie Durant, whose father was a writer and assistant to Charlie Chaplin. Her grandmother married EF Hutton, so Ms. Durant could have spent a great deal of time researching her only family stories.While it's difficult to understand these days, screenwriter Michael Wilson was not originally credited for his work. He was on the Hollywood Blacklist, and his screen credit was not reinstated until 1996. William Wyler was one of the most successful directors in Hollywood history and his resume includes Jezebel, Mrs Miniver, The Best Years of Our Lives, and of course, Ben-Hur. Though this movie was nominated for 6 Academy Awards, it didn't win any and lost out to Best Picture winner Around the World in 80 Days. A final note of interest, this was Ronald Reagan's favorite movie and he presented a copy to Mikhail Gorbachev in hopes the message would prove the downside to war.
Claudio Carvalho In 1862, in Southern Indiana, the Quakers Jess Birdwell (Gary Cooper), his wife and Minister Eliza (Dorothy McGuire), their teenage son Joshua (Anthony Perkins), their teenage daughter Mattie (Phyllis Love) and their young son Little Jess (Richard Eyer) live a peaceful life in their farm. Eliza opposes to the war and they follow the stringent principles of their religious sect. But when the rebel Southern troops threaten the Birdwell family and their friends and neighbors, Josh decides to go to the front to defend their lands and Jess has to take a position against the principles of the Quakers."Friendly Persuasion" is another masterpiece of William Wyler that tells the story of a Quaker family in Southern Indiana that is forced to fight to defend their lands. William Wyler makes a sensitive film and the story is never melodramatic or corny, having the right doses of humor, love and violence. The performances are outstanding and the forty year- old Dorothy McGuire is extremely beautiful in a strong role. The debut of Anthony Perkins in a feature could not be better. The smart goose Samantha is responsible for the most hilarious scenes. My vote is nine.Title (Brazil): Not available on DVD or Blu-Ray
rich_illing Why do all movie Quakers have paper thin convictions to their morals? If this had been a movie about Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, they would have him gunning down racists by the second reel. If they approached the life of Ghandi the way this movie treats Quakers, Ghandi would have been bombing churches.I am an atheist, but if there are any people on the face of the earth who do not kill, no matter the circumstances, it is the Quakers. If you were to believe this movie, Quakers are blood thirsty zombies out to seek revenge on anyone who crosses them.EVERY PRINT OF THIS FILM SHOULD BE DESTROYED.