NR | 13 December 1956 (USA)
Anastasia Trailers

Russian exiles in Paris plot to collect ten million pounds from the Bank of England by grooming a destitute, suicidal girl to pose as heir to the Russian throne. While Bounin is coaching her, he comes to believe that she is really Anastasia. In the end, the Empress must decide her claim.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Micitype Pretty Good
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Invaderbank The film creates a perfect balance between action and depth of basic needs, in the midst of an infertile atmosphere.
Kirpianuscus each occasion when you see again. because it is more than a well known story. and it is more than exploration of a hypothesis. it is a beautiful Litvak. for the wise choices for the each role. for atmosphere. and, especially, for the music. a film impressive for less a magnificent scene - the meet between Ingrid Bergman and Helen Hayes. and for the science to use Yul Brynner in inspired manner. and, sure, for the performance of Martita Hunt. it is a surprising film for its modernity. for subtle way to be a game of appearances, love, desires. and, sure, for the end. a good support for reflection. about history, people and deep purposes.
Irishchatter I have never got around in seeing this classic until a few days ago. I have been interested in researching Anastasia since I've seen the 1997 version years ago, and I have finally got around seeing this! I thought Swedish actress Ingrid Bergman was absolutely wonderful at playing Anna Anderson! She really fit the role and just had done it so well! She looked absolutely beautiful with the dresses she had on, especially the dress she had at the end I quite liked how Yul Brynner playing a mysterious and an odd character who never existed. He was outstanding also for a Russian actor I never came across before!I was a little bit disappointed with the ending, I thought we would see Anna Anderson and the General being shown that they ran off together. Even if they got married instead, I would've liked if they both appeared at the near end! I thought it was pointless to film the ball if they weren't there!
kenjha Bergman bagged her second Oscar as a disturbed woman who may or may not be the only member of the family of Tsar Nicholas II to have survived execution. She's good, not great. The Oscar may have been a reward for her return to Hollywood after seven years of exile. As a brash Russian figure (it's not clear why he has title of General) who goes around barking commands at others, Brynner seems to be doing a variation on his Oscar-winning role in "The King and I" from earlier the same year. Although this film boasts the Best Actor and Best Actress Oscar winners for 1956, the best performance is given by Hayes as a Danish empress. In fact, the film drags until she shows up.
Lawson I'm right now reading a biography of Ingrid Bergman so I took it upon myself to watch this movie to remind me of her charms. And a better movie I couldn't have chosen. Bergman embodies the well-known role of Anastasia wonderfully, from rags to riches, from a vagabond half-mad to a princess in love. But it's a movie in which all the stars shine, and Yul Brynner blends dignity and resentment well as the fallen Russian general, and Helen Hayes is utterly believable as the exiled Dowager Empress who has lost her daughter and grandchildren to the Russian Revolution. Watching the trio interact is watching art in motion, which may sound melodramatic, but it's how I feel when I'm watching brilliant actors play off each other. When Anastasia and the Dowager Empress come to the realization that she is indeed the lost princess, I was brought to the brink of tears. It came as a surprise to me; I generally don't watch movies that would make me cry and I certainly didn't expect it from this one. Finding an unexpected gem is what makes slogging through piles of crap worthwhile.