Midnight Lace
Midnight Lace
NR | 13 October 1960 (USA)
Midnight Lace Trailers

Kit Preston begins to unravel when she receives threatening telephone calls informing her she's soon to be murdered.

Micitype Pretty Good
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Phillipa Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
HotToastyRag Despite the frilly-sounding title, Midnight Lace is not a girly chick flick. It's very scary, putting Alfred Hitchcock's films to shame. As it is, I liked it very much, but I would have loved it had I watched it in the afternoon instead of the evening. Some movies are just scary for me!Doris Day is married to Rex Harrison-I know, suspension of disbelief-and is trying to adjust to her new married life in London. She hears a frightening voice while walking home alone one day, but that's just the beginning. . . Someone is following her and threatening her, but when she tells her husband and the police, no one believes her. Myrna Loy, her aunt, comes for a visit, but an added authoritative presence doesn't deter the stalker.I've said it before, but Midnight Lace is pretty scary. If you liked getting frightened by the phone calls in Scream, you might find it fun to watch Scream's grandfather film. Doris is great, as she always is when given a chance to show her dramatic talents, and with John Gavin, Herbert Marshall, Roddy McDowall, and Hermione Baddeley to round out the supporting cast, she's got plenty to work with. I'm not a Rex Harrison fan, but he didn't ruin the movie. Try it out on Halloween and see what you think!
ags123 How could you not love an occasional wallow in Ross Hunter territory? Lavish production values, a fantasy lifestyle, a leading lady who never wears the same thing twice. For me, that two-story London flat has long been my dream residence (though the furnishings need a bit of updating). Don't bother picking the plot apart, you'll fall into too many holes. Though it tries hard to cast suspicion on all the male characters, it's pretty obvious from the start who the culprit is. No matter. It's a cozy, fun hour and a half. I must reluctantly point out that this may be one of Doris Day's worst performances. She's usually so good, often transcending the most mundane material. Here she's way too manic and clearly out of her element, despite scoring well in several previous thrillers ("Storm Warning,' "Julie," "The Man Who Knew Too Much.") I find the nervous breakdown on the staircase particularly embarrassing to watch. Director David Miller needed to take it down a notch. Regardless, the atmosphere and ambiance are enough for me to drop everything and re-watch it every time it's on TV.
JasparLamarCrabb A mildly entertaining suspense film starring Doris Day as the neglected wife of business executive Rex Harrison. She's being tormented by phone & in person by some unknown lunatic. Of course, as with most damsel in distress films, few actually believe her, least of all Harrison. Director David Miller's film is certainly derivative of other films (like DIAL M FOR MURDER & SORRY, WRONG NUMBER) but it's not without merit. Day is terrific in a rare dramatic role and the supporting cast is great: Myrna Loy; Roddy McDowell; Herbert Marshall; John Williams (as a Scotland Yard inspector of course). John Gavin is an American building contractor who just happens to be around anytime Day is in danger. It's set in London so there's A LOT of fog. Day wears one outlandish high fashion outfit after another, some of which seem to defy gravity.
jjnxn-1 Ultra luxurious equally overwrought melodrama with Doris in one high fashion outfit after another being terrorized by phone. Barely believable but highly entertaining film has good co-stars in Rex Harrison and Myrna Loy, who while for the most part is also dressed very well, is forced to wear one of the ugliest hats every seen in film! It looks like an upside down flower basket was dumped on her head. Otherwise the settings are incredibly plush and poor Doris, who has rarely looked better on screen, spends the entire movie in a state of just below the surface hysteria. Also provides a chance to see some nice scenery of London in the early 60's. Silly but a whole lot of fun.