Behind Enemy Lines III: Colombia
Behind Enemy Lines III: Colombia
R | 06 January 2009 (USA)
Behind Enemy Lines III: Colombia Trailers

Navy SEALS mount an attack on Colombian special forces to clear their names and rescue a hostage.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Console best movie i've ever seen.
Kirandeep Yoder The joyful confection is coated in a sparkly gloss, bright enough to gleam from the darkest, most cynical corners.
Fatma Suarez The movie's neither hopeful in contrived ways, nor hopeless in different contrived ways. Somehow it manages to be wonderful
SnoopyStyle Navy SEAL team 7 is in Colombia to battle the FARC and the drug cartels. Lt. Macklin (Joe Manganiello) leads his men to a compound deep in the jungle. There they find a peace conference between FARC and government troops. Suddenly mysterious forces attack the conference and the SEALs. The SEALs are framed for the whole incident.The action is much better the BEL 2. They've got rid of all that horrific cheesy effects. It's a much better looking movie. Joe Manganiello is a good lead actor. They have a pretty good movie going when they get to the compound.The story is questionable. The whole conspiracy is questionable. But how 2 guys with barely functional language skills could take on so much is too unreasonable. One bad guy asked if he thinks he's Rambo. The guy comes back saying he's more John McClane. No! This is full on Rambo.
davideo-2 STAR RATING: ***** Saturday Night **** Friday Night *** Friday Morning ** Sunday Night * Monday Morning WWE productions has moved it's weight into this third instalment of the Behind Enemy Lines franchise, with a film that shows how far it's come from it's original source material. While the original was little more than a forgettable, clichéd action film with two big name stars to propel it along, here the series has moved into a whole new ball game. Opening with a monologue about how the notorious FARC guerrillas have waged a war of terror on Colombia for many years and how US interference has worsened the situation in the manner of a public service film, what follows is a remarkably cheap looking film that looks like it's been filmed with a cheap video camera. Wrestling sensation 'Mr.Kennedy' is touted as the big star, but he feels more like a supporting player throughout, leaving the rest of the no name cast to go through the motions, including rent-a-supporting-star Keith David who'll seem to pop up in any old dross like this. Truly not a plus point in sight. *
laurelisa Oh my God, what kind of movie is that? I think we can not blame to the actors, maybe they did their best but what do you say about how well-informed the writer and producer are? Bogota a warm and sunny city?? Hahaha please! and what about the "colombian accent"? no! better, what about the "colombian president"? It seems that they think that Colombia and Puerto Rico are the same! (film was recorded in Puerto Rico)...and the "gringos", do they think that people from Colombia is stupid? Poor movie in all senses, acting, music, special effects and specially credibility...
hokinizeu I watched this movie with the first two Behind enemy lines in mind. I was so wrong! There is no good actors/actress in this movie. You can tell it was a low budget movie with terrible plot lines that don't make sense. Some of the lines were so cheesy. It just makes you laugh and think you can direct better than how this movie was made. It makes you think it was the director's first movie, even then it's horrible. He's a director for crying out loud. You have to make sense in some scenes. You have to impress the watchers via something but just about everything seemed unnaturally filmed etc... I will never watch this movie again nor would I recommend it to anyone.
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