Warlock: The Armageddon
Warlock: The Armageddon
R | 24 September 1993 (USA)
Warlock: The Armageddon Trailers

Every six hundred years, a great evil has the opportunity to escape and unleash Armageddon. A group of five stones has the power to either free the evil, or banish it for another six hundred years. An order of Druids battles with a Warlock determined to unleash his father upon the world.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Leofwine_draca This dated film is merely an exercise in special effects, both with prosthetics and the then new computer graphics. While the prosthetics are pretty darned good, the computer effects in this case have dated particularly badly, looking straight out of the '80s and no match for the CGI we see in the cinemas today. Therefore this film has some kind of historical appeal for the viewer to see how far effects have come in such a short space of time; witness the 'floating dagger' scene and see how bad it really is in today's light (then again, with the atrocious effects of THE SECOND ARRIVAL, maybe we haven't come far at all).The plot is virtually missing; the film consists of two sub plots and constantly flips back and forth between each one. We have Sands killing people as he gathers the gemstones, and the two young warlocks preparing themselves for his arrival. That's it. That's the plot. I mean everybody knows that Sands will die and the young boy and girl survive at the end, so it's all a bit pointless really, a foregone conclusion.The music is totally unmemorable, as is the acting on the main part. The two young leads are typically bad, the older actors, while familiar, are neither memorable enough nor given any interesting lines. Joanna Pacula turns up but is dispatched in an instant, so it's left really to Julian Sands and his considerable charisma to carry the film. Sands is perfect in this role as the cold, calm killer, not flinching as gore rains down around him, and he is well cast and believable too, even though he doesn't change his expression once. We're rooting for him as the film goes on.While watching you will probably notice a lot of scenes being ripped off other films. I did and I lost count. The boy training with his mental powers? STAR WARS, anyone? This was virtually a step-by-step takeoff of a scene in that film where Skywalker learns to use a lightsaber and chases that hovering ball thing. There are also bits from HELLRAISER, THE TERMINATOR, a final shock scene directly lifted from CARRIE, and many more horror film clichés which are wince-inducing, like the tired "is the baddie really dead?" routine.So it's basically the special effects which are the reason to keep watching. Aside from the poor computer graphics, the gore is plentiful and quite good, in scenes where the Warlock tricks people, which seem to have inspired WISHMASTER in a way. The special effects at the end of the film are very good, where the Warlock melts into a skeleton and into the ground, and there are some stabbings, impalings, scalpings, splatterings, breakings and interesting morph work too. These bits keep the time moving by quite quickly and are fun, if a bit cheesy. WARLOCK: THE Armageddon is a typically empty film of the '90s, with no new ideas, but the SFX will keep you watching.
bobharling100 I think that the movie was great and all however I only find the belly expansion and birth much better that the whole movie since they worked that part much better however if it was a belly expansion it should have more belly expansion time that just seeing her face. Also on the DVD it cut the slime running down the woman's legs just before the warlock comes out of her. If there was something to improve on I would let the woman live instead of killing her off like that or the warlock could impregnate her and force her to give birth to his demon army so that he can find the rune stones not alone . After the birth the movie became sloppy and dull and that was the sad thing about the movie. Also the effects except on the birth scene, were not as good as I thought they would when I fist saw it
mollidew I was going to give this movie less but considering it is horror/fantasy I put five instead. I recognize most of the older character actors but other than Julian Sands that was it. I thought they all did a great job considering the story line. I like to play with twisting myth myself in my own stories but they could have at least called him a Sorcerer or Necromancer, evil magician and not a Warlock which is a totally wrong word to use starting with the first movie and instead of making these people Druids, make them some secret society that fights evil.The word warlock does NOT mean a male witch. It means an oath breaker, liar, someone who cannot be trusted and can apply to either a male or female. Considering the subject matter it would have more appropriately been a female but if using the other terms a male was fine. The Druids as someone else stated had no beliefs even remotely akin to Christianity at all. Neither did those who practiced witchcraft at any time. Therefore I consider the movie a campy one and without much merit. That isn't the fault of the actors but of the writers that wrote such hokey material. BUT taken on it's own and liberally with the storyline it's not too bad. I wouldn't recommend it unless you are a fan of the first movie which is pretty bad as well.
denys-fire This is one of my favourite movie. Actually, it's not a horror movie because there's not much gory thing inside. But it's a nice fantasy movie with battle against God and Satan. I'm not a believer of any religion and this is why I enjoy movie like God VS Satan.This movie have good visual effect (for that time) and like almost people here said, Julian Sand play well the son of Satan. The way that Satan's son die (truck lights) can be arguable but in general the way that this movie goes is very nice. For me, the only sad thing, finally, what is the old name of God????!!?!?So, if you like fantasy movie with a bit of horror, witchcraft and God vs Satan, I highly recommend this one. The first Warlock was very nice too but this one appear to me a little bit more serious. If you read other reviews, you'll see only bad comments about this movie but no one have suggestions for another movie in that kind.