Love Stinks
Love Stinks
R | 10 September 1999 (USA)
Love Stinks Trailers

A movie about a relationship...that's worse than yours. Seth (Stewart), a sitcom writer-producer, meets Chelsea (Wilson), an interior decorator, at his best friend's (Bellamy) wedding. He's immediately sexually attracted to her while she's instantly attracted to his single-ness. They both ditch their wedding dates and start their own date that same night. The two become a couple, appearing very happy until after a couple of years of postponing a marriage proposal. When Chelsea realizes that Seth wants to remain single and together, she becomes quite bitter. In the next hour of the movie, the two engage in behavior that makes the War of the Roses look like child's play.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
SeeQuant Blending excellent reporting and strong storytelling, this is a disturbing film truly stranger than fiction
Patience Watson One of those movie experiences that is so good it makes you realize you've been grading everything else on a curve.
Edwin The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
ltlacey Being a middle-aged woman, I am not this movie's target audience, and I had my doubts about how bad, or good, this movie was going to be. I was just checking out streaming movies from Netflix and this showed up and I thought, "How bad could it be?" I mean, if it's that's bad then I just stop watching. But this movie had me in stitches and I often had to stop the movie as I would miss some line because I was laughing that hard. Yes, it's from a man's point of view, and yes it shows how some women can become raving lunatics to at least get to say, I was married. The plot is your basic boy-meets-girl story, though in this case we have a guy who is afraid of committing to any relationship, especially one he soon realizes is with a crazy person. But we also somewhat get to see the woman's point of view (there is a line she says early on in the movie that supports this view). The supporting cast worked well together and with the stars, and my only complaint is that they tried to make French Stewart look younger than he actually is. Overall, this movie has some of the funniest lines and scenes. Well worth the time, regardless of your age or gender.
marcia-waryjas While the pairing of Bridget Wilson and French Stewart seems unlikely at first, as the story unfolds it becomes clear that her true love is marriage itself. He quickly tires of her neurotic behaviors; instead of breaking it off cleanly, he tries to weasel out in hopes that she will move on. She isn't willing to give up her goal after all the time she's invested. And so it begins....As only people who know each other intimately can do, each pushes the other's buttons in the hopes of breaking the other one down. There are some deliciously evil and spiteful scenes, reminiscent of War of the Roses, but in a lighter vein. Truly witty dialogue and a fast pace make this movie is worth watching, but if that's not enough for you, watch it for the gassy bedroom scene. A lot of fun to watch, and a great ending.
Myrzan Firstly I'd like to mention, that this movie is a rather over-the-top and not very intelligent or realistic comedy containing rude/insulting humour (looking at the rating many would probably call it just stupid) mainly about a woman who turns into a quite she-Satan when the well-off man she has sinked her claws on refuses to marry her. If that sounds like it will make you feel bad don't watch this, go have a glass of milk and some cookies instead.After seeing 'Love Stinks' I thought it probably hasn't got a very good rating here because of bashing from some ferocious feminists and other people who take themselves and things in general too seriously. However when I checked the ratings (which weren't very high as expected) I saw that women didn't in general give lower points than men which was a pleasant surprise. I guess there are more than few women who can take even a little provocative joke after all.The reason why I expected women to bash this movie is that it portrays many women as either rather bimbo-like (many of the side characters) or manipulative control freaks (especially the main character and also to some extent her woman friend).The main plot revolves around Chelsea and Seth who meet at a party. Chelsea is the bridesmaid and Seth is the.. umm.. 'groomsmaid' at their friends wedding (can't remember the real word at the moment, bad English, sorry, if u want to make a complaint please make it in finnish ;)). They get together and for a while things are OK. Then Chelsea decides she wants to get married and starts plotting on how to get what she wants. At first it seems to work but then Seth starts to get worried and jumps on the brakes. When he determinedly refuses to propose to her Chelsea goes slightly mad and tries to rip Seths life apart, which leads to quite a war between the two.Someone compared this to the 'War of Roses' and I also think the two are a bit similar. The War of Roses is a little better I think, Love Stinks is bit like War of Roses with a screwball twist.I gave this movie a rating of 6 due to it being a bit uneven (there are few moments that are in my opinion a bit boring or stupid). However I would recommend seeing this because the funny parts are quite funny. There's a farting in bed - scene for example that has been circling in the net (Feeder on fire! Incoming..! ;).
big_sxy2col This movie was one of the FUNNIEST movies I have ever seen and it gets better every time I see it...French Stewart is awesome in this film. I highly recommend for those of you that like a good comedy to watch this one. The story was well thought out and describes most relationships that we all think about in the movies. at this point I am going to babble on and on because I have to write 10 lines or it wont post my comment...what a joke...I mean, what if I didn't want to write 10 lines about a movie? why is less then 10 lines a BAD THING? Kinda stupid if you ask me..well, I will close this up now because I am almost at 10 lines...thank you all very much for reading this...LOVE STINKS ROCKS!!!