Eating Out
Eating Out
NR | 14 February 2004 (USA)
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After getting dumped by his slutty girlfriend, Caleb falls in love with Gwen. However, thanks to Caleb's roommate, Gwen thinks he's gay and sets him up with her roommate, Marc.

MusicChat It's complicated... I really like the directing, acting and writing but, there are issues with the way it's shot that I just can't deny. As much as I love the storytelling and the fantastic performance but, there are also certain scenes that didn't need to exist.
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Bethany Louise Pritchard I'm really into gay films at the minute and this one didn't disappoint. There were some moments when I cringed so much, it just felt awkward. The story as a whole was quite cringeworthy to be honest. But you could see where it would end up and I'm happy with how it did. The actors are really hot and, even though the acting isn't great, I loved it for the personalities the actors gave their characters. The ending was extremely awkward right until the point where Caleb's family leaves and the secrets come out. I was so happy that Marc and Kyle got together. They have to be one of the hottest couples in existence.It's essential that you watch to the end of the credits because that's the best part of the film - so damn hot. It was the perfect ending really.
jfs999 Gone With The Wind, it wasn't. But it WAS a good movie! I have friends like these guys. It was supposed to be a farce and the writer did a good job... there are some witty lines here and there.Caleb was a hunk. I'd do him on the front lawn. Scott Lunsden underplayed his role and was really believable. The film had a positive attitude overall.Caleb's family was a hoot. His parents are so determined to be progressive and supportive that when he's outed to them, they totally support his "new lifestyle." The relationship with his little sister was very much like those in my own family - loving, but she never cuts him a break.Tiffani was good. You could tell the actress who played her really had fun with the role. In fact, it looked like everyone involved was having a good time. That always comes through in a movie and makes it worth watching.I rented this one, but I plan to buy it so I can see it again.
vampirepirate I became 100% convinced that I would hate this film the second some supposedly "British" guy opens his mouth and starts talking with an accent reminiscent of Dick van Dyke's performance in Mary Poppins. Others have said it better than me, so I'll just summarise: the idea that the best way into a girl's pants is pretend you're a gay man never, ever made sense. How anyone, gay, straight or vegetable, could find the foul-mouthed, insecure, nasty-minded "leading lady" attractive is something that I will spend the next 15 seconds wondering. The writer could have done something interesting with the idea, and said something vaguely interesting about fluid, non-polarised sexuality, but nah; instead he chose to ram the film so full of stock clichés about queers that it undergoes gravitational collapse. Oh, and, just maybe, having one of the main characters summarise the plot of the entire film only twenty minutes in probably isn't that great an idea.
anibal_pazos I got this movie yesterday, after read several comments of this movie being really bad. I am a art and film student, just began to shot my short 15 minutes film and nervous about the final result. I can certainly hope it won't be as bad as this movie is ! I know sometimes in comedy you can't create a really close connection between the actors. However this movie took me to another level... Even in a comedy type of movie, anyone could think that a straight guy recently been blown by a gay guy, and kissed his flatmate and tells him that "If he was gay a little" he would be his boyfriend, could question his sexuality a bit, don't you think? I found this movie very hard to digest, from every point of view you wanna see it. No much to see of Caleb(Scott Lunsford)questioning his sexuality, or even face the fact that he might as well being a bit confuse after all. If there is anything worth in this movie, it has to be the scene where Caleb and Marc(Ryan Carnes) going for a barbecue together at Marc's friends. I was looking forward to see the connection growing between these two guys, and just when you think they are getting there, they decided to get a video together. Then we are taken to another level here when the phones ring and is Caleb's flatmate (Jim Verranos) who can't honestly act (sorry to say this, sounds like a nice guy though) and the very hard to take Gwen, Marc's flatmate. I found her character very annoying to point I couldn't feel any sympathy for her character at the end. The end, I can't began to describe how bad it is. Honestly Gwen and Kyle, deserve one other. I feel sorry for Marc, as he is portrait as the "uncommited gay guy". However we could see that in fact Caleb feels a bit for him after the party they got together and the scene in the video store where Caleb confessed to Marc 'You are just awesome in the piano"....Certainly this is something that if I was directing the movie I would like to explore more. Let's these two guys end together, correct me if I am wrong, but I got the impression that if Caleb didn't move any faster to Marc, was not only because he confessed to be straight, it was because he felt he was betraying his roommate and flatmate Kyle. Very disappointing film it was for me, the end was abrupt and confusing, the acting was at times over the top, specially by Emily Stiles and Jim Verraros, but the scene where Caleb's parents came for dinner is out question one of the worst...!