The Sum of Us
The Sum of Us
R | 08 March 1995 (USA)
The Sum of Us Trailers

A widowed father has to deal with two complex issues: while he is searching for "Miss Right," his son, who is in his 20s and gay, is searching for "Mr. Right."

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
lynnanchio I really loved this movie, not just because of the actors, but because the movie really goes to the heart of who we are as people, and shows how we all are part of each other. It is a touching and funny story of love and acceptance. Russell Crowe does a good job as the son, but Jack Thompson really is the star of the movie, his character is the heart of the show. Through him we see the world differently, and we see a parent who loves his child and only wants what is best for them. Many of us could learn some real lessons from this. The backdrop of Sydney adds a little extra charm, in that we see a part of the world with which most of us are not familiar. I have recommended this movie to many friends, and each of them has truly enjoyed the movie, and related to it.
Dr Jacques COULARDEAU A comedy, one more, in this life that is so little comic indeed. We start with the promise of a revolution coming through and we end with a request or piece of advice that you better be home soon, and in between, love, romance, tragedy and a lot of empathy and misery with a little bit of happiness sprinkled on top, at times angry happiness because of the silly decision you took and it broke the potential happy development you were hoping for and looking forward to getting on a silver platter. You just got Saint John the Baptist's head.We are dealing here with grown up men and women all in strange situations. A young gay man living with his parents and the father behaves as if he did not know and he turns ugly when it becomes news stuff on TV. Another gay man living with his widower of a father who is not gay but accepts his son the way he is though he is invasive, maybe an intrusive voyeur, and in a way blocks his son's way to happiness.That same man gets in touch with a lady through some meeting club and the two fall for one another but the night when things were going to go through, New Year's Eve, at his place, the son being out for his own fun, she comes across some gay magazines and cannot accept the fact that she had not been told before, and if she had it would not have changed anything because she just does not want to go across this line.Just minutes after she drove off, when the fireworks start celebrating the New Year, he has a savage and wild heart attack or stroke and he will remain paralyzed on one side and without the capability to speak any more. In other words she broke his heart and that is not a metaphor, she literally did break his heart, boom.That is sad, very sad, but it is a comedy, so there must be a happy ending and life will take care of some haphazard meeting of the two young men and then life will be on tracks again. But gosh it is not easy to build your own happiness when you are not a photocopy of the standard middle of the way unoriginal model imposed by ethical and moral norms in our society, even when things have changed legally. Between the law and reality there is more than a simple Strait of Malacca: there are thousands of hostile pirates with weapons everywhere up over their heads ready to raid your life to prevent you from being happy.Enjoy the details.Dr Jacques COULARDEAU
Heff2001 The first time I saw this film I liked it for it's ability to reach such a wide audience. Male, female, gay, straight, young and old. With superior acting and a quiet, simple tone, it's stellar on so many levels. I like this movie more each time I see it. I usually hate when character's speak to the audience but this is one of the few occasions where it works well. One of Crowe's best performances. It was great to see a gay character that wasn't stereotypical in any way... just a guy but a guy that isn't afraid to be sensitive or tough without being wishy washy or macho. A great dead-on performance of an everyman who just happens to like men. Supporting cast is great. All performances feel natural. Directing is straightforward and the editing is lyrical. If you're heterosexual, don't be put off. The themes here are universal. A great slice of cinema no matter what your sexuality.
glsilva I watched this movie a couple years after coming out myself and I could only wish that I had that kind of relationship with my father, or even something close to it. Russell Crowe is outstanding and, in my opinion, on of the most sexiest characters I have ever seen in a movie. I was less enthusiastic about his potential pattern, but that was a minor consideration. I know, I know, it was an idealistic portrayal of a father and a gay son relationship...but really just having a positive movie without the spectre of AIDS was a welcome relief. The actor who played the father was incredible, both tough and sensitive, with a definite flair for comedy. The ending was a bit of a downer, but not a disappointment. I recommend this to everyone who is tired of gay movies dealing with the same tragedies over and over again. GLSILVA@MYWAY.COM.