PG-13 | 18 February 2011 (USA)
Unknown Trailers

A man awakens from a coma, only to discover that someone has taken on his identity and that no one, (not even his wife), believes him. With the help of a young woman, he sets out to prove who he is.

ChanBot i must have seen a different film!!
UnowPriceless hyped garbage
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Kien Navarro Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Majikat An enjoyable film from start to finish, twists and turns and plenty of action, similarities to a Harrison Ford film, if I recall correctly.
leplatypus I decided to watch this movie because it had Liam, the Harrison ford of the second millennium, the cute Kruger and a change of locations with Berlin. In addition, the story sounded like a mystery. Now, the result is average, not totally awful but not worthy of a second watch. I have never went there and maybe it's due to winter time but this Berlin looks a cold, industrial city that surely don't have the beauty of Paris or London… Then, i didn't understand why Kruger doesn't play a German girl ?? About the plot, it's a sort of reboot of « frantic » : same professor, same hunt in a foreign country, same companies game, same help from a young woman, same little flat… Maybe the difference is the twist but there, there is a lot of inspiration from « XIII ». The action sequences are maybe well orchestrated but they are totally unbelievable, especially the car chase ! At the end, my last question is why it's a french movie when everything and everyone aren't not french ???
David Arnold Along with Taken, Non-Stop, and the impressive looking Run All Night, Unknown is another excellent Action/Thriller to star Liam Neeson, and once again he does a great job with his role (he seems to suit these parts so well).Here we see Neeson take up the role of Dr. Martin Harris, a biochemist who is travelling to Germany for a conference but before he can attend the conference, he is involved in a car accident that almost kills him. After waking from a 4-day coma, he soon discovers that someone has apparently taken his identity, and no one - not even his wife - believes that he is the real Dr. Martin Harris.This film has it all....great action, suspense, mystery, and a good couple of twists along the way just to keep it even more interesting (especially the main twist at the end). Are some of the scenes unrealistic? Of course. Are they ridiculous, though? Definitely not. There's a difference between unrealistic and unrealistically ridiculous and Unknown falls into the former with these scenes. The thing is, this is an Action/Thriller....if you want pure realism & true to life then watch a Documentary. You get exactly what you pay for with Unknown.Apart from a few dialogue moments here and there, the film is well written, and even though it's not the most original of story's, it is still more than capable of holding it's own for pure entertainment value. You will notice that Unknown bears huge resemblances to The Bourne Identity (and even Taken to a certain extent), but this shouldn't put you off enjoying what is an enjoyable Action/Thriller.The cast all do fantastic jobs with their characters as well, from Neeson, Kruger, Jones, and Quinn all great in the main starring roles, to Olivier Schneider and Stipe Erceg as Smith & Jones (no, not THOSE Smith & Jones), who bring such a menace to their characters that you find yourself routing for the "good guys" that little bit more.Unknown is definitely one to watch, so watch it and enjoy it.
brchthethird UNKNOWN, another one of recent action star Liam Neeson's winter season offerings, is fairly entertaining, but also very implausible. Liam Neeson plays Martin Harris, a scientist who is attending a biotech conference in Berlin with his wife. Or is he? After an accident, he is left with no identification and no proof of who he is, and everyone is claiming they don't know him. He then proceeds to find out who he is. This type of mystery/thriller has been done before, although perhaps not as slickly as this one. The movie ERASED, starring Aaron Eckhart comes to mind, although that pales in comparison to this in terms of just about everything. Liam Neeson once again shows that he makes a capable, if unexpected, action star and he also has the acting chops to give it some weight. January Jones as his wife, however, is practically a non-entity. She practically sleepwalks through her limited role and doesn't really give off anything resembling human emotion, although that might have been on purpose. To accurately describe my reasoning would delve into spoiler territory, so I'll just leave it at that. Diane Kruger also gave a good performance as an immigrant taxi driver who helps out Liam Neeson's character. Aside from him, she's given the most screen time and is given a nice back story, to boot. Rounding out the cast are Bruno Ganz and Frank Langella. Although neither one of them had a lot of screen time (one might say they were underutilized), they did own the few scenes they were in. In terms of technical quality, the film was decent. There was a fair amount of hand-held camera-work, but none of it was too "shaky" and the fight scenes were comprehensible. There was even a couple good car chases. There was also some nice on-location shooting in Berlin, although the visual palette of the film didn't really bring out anything spectacular. Narrative-wise, the film is preposterous but still fun. There was a couple of moments where I laughed out loud due to how ridiculous things were, but overall I just accepted that the whole premise was far-fetched and went with it. Now, being mostly a dumb action movie, you wouldn't expect it to have much in the way of pertinent themes or sociopolitical commentary, but they did manage to shoehorn some in via Bruno Ganz's character, a former Stasi agent and a Saudi prince who is bankrolling a GMO project. Nothing too deep is said, but it was nice that they acknowledged that these things exist. As a whole, the movie is OK. It moves along at a good pace and is never boring. Still, discerning moviegoers would be justified in skipping it if they don't like this brand of action movie.
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