Boat Trip
Boat Trip
R | 01 October 2002 (USA)
Boat Trip Trailers

Two guys whose love lives are a wreck look forward to finding ladies on the high seas. Unfortunately, they've mistakenly been booked on a gay cruise.

GazerRise Fantastic!
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Tobias Burrows It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
RevRonster I avoided this film since it came out because it looked like it wasn't worth my time but because I've heard and laughed at Dan Harmon's description and rants about the film, I figured I'd give it a shot.I won't pull punches here: The film is awful. The humor is lower than sub-par, it's downright mean-spirited and predicated on the fact that the writer clearly had no idea how homosexuals act and decided to have out-dated and offensive stereotypes take the place of somewhat decently conceived gags. The acting is so tortuously over-the-top that it looks like people trying to make fun of over-actors but failing because they can't act and, finally, the editing can only be described as a hack job. The only shining light the film has is the fact it has contributed to some great material for Dan Harmon to joke about on his podcast.
brooksduane54 The critics came down hard on this film when it was originally released-- and many still are--but in truth, "Boat Trip" is an intensely likable, appealingly energetic, throw-your-head-back funny romantic/sex comedy that is powered by two factors: Cuba Gooding Jr.'s charm and the trio of women headliners', namely Vivica A. Fox--here, bless her, completely bypassing her usual fiercely irritating "homegirl" style--Roselyn Sanchez, and Victoria Silvstedt, sexiness. Cuba, for his part, is his usual engaging self as he, with his buddy, "Saturday Night Live"'s Horatio Sanz, unwittingly boards a all-homosexual cruise, falls for said cruise's sexy and vivacious dance instructor, played by Sanchez, and, to win her, pretends to be homosexual himself. And Fox and Silvstedt deftly keep up with her on the sex-appeal scale. Really and truly, "Boat Trip" may not have been, and still may not be, the critics' darling, but it provides the rest of us with a good, laugh-getting, visually splendid time.
Jackson Booth-Millard It sounded like a follow on from Road Trip, then I saw the poster of the girl on the large banana, and then I saw who was in it, and I decided to see why the critics don't like it. Basically Jerry Robinson (Razzie nominated Cuba Gooding Jr.) has spent months feeling depressed after breaking up with the woman he wanted to marry, Felicia (Vivica A. Fox). To get away from all their troubles, he and his best buddy Nick Ragoni (Road Trip's Horatio Sanz) book a trip on a cruise liner, if only they hadn't upset the booking agent Brian (Artie Lange) and his boyfriend Michael (Will Ferrell). They have been put on a gay cruise for gay men to meet and mingle for four days and no way to escape, being chatted up, eyed and fondled by the hundreds of homosexuals, including Lloyd Faversham (Sir Roger Moore). Thankfully, Jerry manages to find the only woman on the cruise, dance teacher Gabriella (Rush Hour 2's Roselyn Sanchez), and when Nick shoots down a helicopter, a dozen bikini babes end up boarding, including gorgeous Inga (Victoria Silvstedt) and sex-crazed coach Sonya (Lin Shaye). While Nick is trying to get along with the gays, and have his way with Inga, unintentionally getting with Sonya, Jerry is continuing the pretence of being gay to stay close to Gabriella, who feels guilty turning him. It is when Felicia comes looking to take him back that Jerry is exposed as being straight to Gabriella, thankfully they get the happy ending they want when Jerry and Nick run out of the wedding. Also starring Bob Gunton as Boat Captain, Richard Roundtree as Felicia's Dad and Maurice Godin as Hector. Why Moore agreed to be in this is anyone's guess. It is one of the stupidest comedies I know, with all the worst stereotypes, gross-out and completely awful jokes, and an ultimately abysmal story to go with it, one to miss! It was nominated the Razzie for Worst Director for Mort Nathan. Poor!
danmax Okay people, i read so many mixed reactions about this one, that I literally tip toed to watch it. My friend Evan hated, and said it was worse than Dogville, but my Dad said it was great. And i am a big Horatio Sanz fan, but who isn't?!... so I ventured.I loved it! Don't let the liberal media fool you, Academy Award winner Cuba Gooding Jr. is a great comedian and scholar, and he manages to cruise this moving picture with grace and gusto. There are some darker, gross out moments, but they serve the story (just like the gross out moments in any Cronenberg or Bela Tarr films). Vanessa Williams (Ugly Betty) is great as the b***h, but her character is well developed and goes well beyond clichés.Till next time.