Heaven Knows What
Heaven Knows What
R | 29 May 2015 (USA)
Heaven Knows What Trailers

A young heroin addict roams the streets of New York to panhandle and get her next fix, while her unstable boyfriend drifts in and out of her life at random.

Nonureva Really Surprised!
Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
j_ack This is one of the worst films I've ever watched. I cannot believe they made a film on this topic for a start. They then managed to top that with one of the worst storyline and some of the strangest characters ever. This is a truly strange film from start to finish where none of the characters are remotely likable. Truly a mess and utterly dreadful from start to finish. I cannot believe how highly rated this film is, absolutely shockingly bad. Stay well away is my suggestion. Nothing good about this film. Would give it 0/10 if I could.
Reno Rangan This film reminds me the Al Pacino's 'The Panic in Needle Park'. The independent filmmakers Safdie brothers directed it that inspired by the real life story of Arielle Holmes, who also starred in the lead role. This is definitely a depressing film, seeing those faces, eyes, makes sick. But a very realistic film, kind of aimless plot, till the final quarter and then with a small twist, the tale comes to an end.I have seen it and if you ask me about the story, I say its hard to describe, but it can be only watched like a documentary film. Over ninety minutes, the film revealed the life of homeless people. Like from their day beginning to the nightfall, how they make it and their preferences. So it is not an inspiring film, though at least there's something you can learn about them.After knowing the theme, I thought there would be lots of violence like rapes, stealing, cops and maybe killing. Surprisingly, it was none of those, not exactly, except drug addiction and sometimes stealing to buy drugs. Looks like from this film, the actress got a breakthrough, particularly in her life. I hope its turnover from hereon. I appreciate the directors for that who made a difference in someone's life. Don't think it is a film for entertainment, watch it if you are interested in the documentary film. So it's not for everybody, but some will find it good or maybe decent.6/10
Joe Havermann Although it follows the lives of a group of young, homeless heroin addicts in New York, this deeply unsettling film is far removed from the typical Hollywood "junkie flick." I have known people like the characters it depicts, and I was immediately struck by the film's raw authenticity. Only later did I learn that the directors hit on the idea for the film after befriending (becoming infatuated with?) Arielle Holmes, the lead actor who was then living on the streets; they encouraged her to write about her experiences, paying her by the page, and eventually convinced her to star along with her friends in a film adaptation of her writing. Despite what has been charitably described as a "nano budget," "Heaven Knows What" is extremely well made. The score creates a sense of unease, and every shot in the film is expertly framed.
PollyPick I began this movie in a state of repulsion: the characters live a stunted, grotesque life on the streets of New York. We are forced to bear witness to their pathetic lives, squabbles and desperate lust for drugs.However, I was struck by how strongly I felt about it. I realised the performances were raw, and without artifice, and brilliant. And I was being forced to consider a group of people I would usually shy away from, and reject without a moment's thought in real life. Characters come and go in a dreamy timeless stream of events. They are like wayward children: showing concern for each other's wellbeing one moment and scream obscenities at each other the next. They loudly proclaim tales of valour and adventure, eager for attention. Mike, ironically, lists the lethal dangers of driving on the back of a motorcycle as Harley rides around with a stranger. Ilya wanders up to Harley while she's listlessly having sex with someone in the gutter. Harley is vaguely entertained by a man doing tricks on a motorcycle. Ilya harasses Harley days after encouraging her to slash her wrists. They are dirty, mean, angry, violent, overly dramatic, desperate and lost. Arielle Holmes bring a fresh earnestness to the role of Harley. She is full of contradictions: vulnerable and hard, caring and disloyal, hopeless and hopeful. You can't help but look for signs of life, and potential in her eyes. Harley hints that Ilya was the reason she became a junkie. Her world revolves around her infatuation with Ilya, and her mind-numbing obsession with heroin. "Don't you want to be your own person?" Mike asks her. No. She is a shell of a person. There appears to be no hope of redemption for Harley.If you're a fan of great true-to-life story-telling and like a good art house flick, this is an excellent choice. The simplicity of these people belies a powerful story.