Older Than America
Older Than America
| 08 March 2008 (USA)
Older Than America Trailers

The truth of the past come to light in a series of haunting visions in this drama. The strange visions grow more vivid with each passing day, a young woman of Native American heritage begins piecing together a Catholic priests diabolical plot to prevent her mother from revealing the atrocities that unfolded at a Native Indian boarding school.

Vashirdfel Simply A Masterpiece
SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Micitype Pretty Good
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
jimmyd-831-18370 A native American horror movie? "older than America" Is a native American thriller/ drama/ horror based on an Indian reservation. In the beginning the movie follows a geologist that has come to the reservation to investigate an earthquake that is uncommon in those parts. That story is kinda of a parallel story that never merges with the main story of the move. The main story centers around a school that was abusive to native American kids. It also follows the main character rain and her problems with seeing things that aren't really there. After looking at how the movie has two stories that never merge, how it is poorly directed, and by how it does not have an interesting story line I say that this is a bad quality movie.*As someone who enjoys a good thriller/ drama/ horror movie I thought the director Did not do a good job directing the movie. The two stories never really merge which leads me to come to the conclusion that the first story was just a filler for time Or they just wanted to add a famous face to the mix, Bradley cooper. interestingly The director was actually in the movie and though i understand it is hard to find Native American actors she should have spent more time actually directing the movie and the acting seemed mediocre at best.. The camera angles were subpar and I thought that the lighting was also not quality as it is hard to see some parts.The abuse of native American children during that time is a real and serious issue. The plot of this movie did not really do that serious part of history justice. The serious truths were cluttered by flashbacks, scenes of electroshock therapy, people building resorts on sacred land, and a deranged priest, Only to show small flashbacks of a boarding school that should have been mentioned a great deal more. At the end the movie gives some pretty gruesome facts about native American children in boarding school which implies it wants to get across a serious message. It simply does not.To a person who is interested in watching poor quality movies, this is A great movie for you to watch. Many elements of the story clutter what should be the actual intention of the movie, The directing is subpar, and it is simply not an interesting story. The movie was originally released in 2008 under the title of " older than America" and was re- released in 2012 under the title "american Evil". This movie also went straight to DVD. These fact show that No one really ever wanted to watch it and i'm not even sure it was intended to be a quality movie that people wanted to watch.
sdaniels-7 Older than America is an educational movie about Native Americans and their experiences while attending boarding schools. It also addresses the trauma and difficulties that they still suffer today. The main character, Rain (Georgina Lightning), is reliving her mother's experiences and trying to make sense out of them. **Spoiler**** The storyline involves a Catholic priest, Father Bartoli, who wants to stop Rain from learning about what really went on at the boarding school. Farther Bartoli convinces Rain's Auntie Apple to consent to shock treatments for Rain. These treatments were given also to Rain's mother and are the reason why Rain's mother is now basically a mute. Rain eventually breaks out of the institution with her memory of what happened in tact.Some of the Native Americans who were sent to boarding schools still suffer the consequences today. Many of the children who were sent off to boarding schools were taken away from their parents and never learned parenting skills. The children had no role modeling of parents at the boarding schools. The only parental figures were teachers, nuns, and priest. Numerous Native Americans who attended boarding schools suffer from alcoholism and depression that often lead to suicide. This became a vicious cycle for younger generations to view.**Spoiler** The main trickster is Rain because when it is least expected she surprises the audience with another escape or a joke. Because of Rain we can see what a culture shock the boarding schools still have on Native Americans and their families. Another trickster is Walter Many Lightnings who is actually a spirit. Walter unstraps Rains when she is in the institution and allows her to escape. However, earlier in the movie, he would watch her, and it scared her. Another trickster is Father Bartoli; he tricks Rain's Auntie Apple into believing Rain is a schizophrenic like Apple's sister, Rain's mother. Father Bartoli convinces Auntie Apple the only way to help Rain is to do the electroshock treatments. I would most definitely recommend this movie. I truly believe it is part of our history and should be included in all of our history books. This would be a great movie for all history classes to view. My daughter and I loved this movie and think it is one of the best movies we have seen in a very long time. However, we both view the Catholic Church in a much different way than before.
Gary Loonsfoot This movie really is not a view of life in boarding schools, per se. I don't believe it was intended to be. It is a metaphor for the effects still felt today by nearly all Native Americans here in the U.S. The movie "is" a period place. All of the issues that the story touches base on are those that Natives all over Indian Country are dealing with today. It is not the direct reflection of one single reason why Natives today face the afflictions of poverty, alcoholism, abuse, unemployment, illiteracy, and loss of identity as a culture, but the culmination of many. Forced attendance into an institution specifically designed to strip away everything it means to be "Indian" just so happens to be the primary area of focus in this film. The sub-plots add depth to the characters as well as much needed comic relief. Even though this film is classified as a drama, it should be shown in every history class across the United States, right after the lesson on the first "Thanksgiving".
preppy-3 Government worker Luke Patterson (Bradley Cooper) goes to a small Native American reservation to find out about a mild earthquake there. He becomes friends with the Indian Chief of Police (Adam Beach) and finds an abandoned school building where the earthquake took place. It seems some very mysterious and horrifying events took place there years ago--but the church and some local officials are covering it up. But things are starting to happen and the building may be haunted by creepy dead children.**DEFINITE SPOILERS!** This is based on true events. It seems up until the early 70s, Indian children were taken from their parents and forced to attend a Catholic school. There they were told to speak English only and worship God. If they disobeyed they were punished severely. This works into the story and it's downright horrifying. I knew nothing about this and, it seems, it's STILL not talked about. Filmmaker Georgina Lightning was very brave to get funding for this and get it released. ""END SPOILERS**Totally engrossing. I was never bored for one minute. I saw it at a film festival and the audience got so caught up in it they were actually gasping and saying "no" when the villain went after the good guys. Cooper's (who's excellent) story gets sidetracked completely after the first 30 minutes. Then it throws you head first into a story involving murders, ghosts, child abuse (VERY disturbing), visions, electro shock treatments--this movie doesn't hold back. It is difficult to watch but I couldn't take my eyes off the screen. Disturbing and difficult but always fascinating. A 10 all the way.