The Librarian: Quest for the Spear
The Librarian: Quest for the Spear
PG | 12 July 2004 (USA)
The Librarian: Quest for the Spear Trailers

When a magical artifact is lifted from his library, a meek librarian sets out to ensure its safe return.

Kattiera Nana I think this is a new genre that they're all sort of working their way through it and haven't got all the kinks worked out yet but it's a genre that works for me.
TrueJoshNight Truly Dreadful Film
Cleveronix A different way of telling a story
Aneesa Wardle The story, direction, characters, and writing/dialogue is akin to taking a tranquilizer shot to the neck, but everything else was so well done.
TheLittleSongbird I wanted to like The Librarian, I really did. I do like the action/fantasy/adventure genres, and thought it would be halfway decent. But apart from some nice locations, a rousing score and some good subtly deadpan performances from Bob Newhart and Jane Curtin, The Librarian just didn't cut it for me. The effects were excessively used and at best mediocre in their quality, and the editing could have been much more focused, at times it seemed rather frenzied for my tastes. The script is poor with unfunny in alternative to humorous jokes and a lot of the dialogue itself is trite beyond belief. The story is never suspenseful or enthralling, instead it is convoluted, derivative(of Indiana Jones except without the thrills and fun) and dull. It also never knows whether it wants to be Sci-Fi, adventure, fantasy or action, it constantly switches between all of those and it gave such an all-over-the-place feel. The action sequences are unexciting and not all that memorable, and the characters are clichéd and not developed enough to make us empathise enough for them. Of the acting, only Newhart and Curtin are close to good. Noah Wyle is stiff in the lead, Sonya Walger is sexy but not much else and Olympia Dukakis and Kyle MacLachlan are underused. All in all, a movie of its genre that doesn't have enough of what a movie of the genre needs and comes across as bland instead. 4/10 Bethany Cox
vranger The Librarian series of movies has enough intelligent humor and 'cool factor' for adults, and enough 'cool factor' and zany action for kids ... a perfect fit for the family that would like to see an adventure movie without worrying about it causes nightmares for the kids or boredom for the adults.There are some posts criticizing this movie, and I can only imagine that they are from idiots who think that if the film doesn't have lots of bodies dripping gore it is somehow unworthy. Those people are entitled to watch what they want. They are not, however, entitled to ignorantly criticize a top notch family film just because they are too dim to appreciate it.A three movie series (so far), Quest for the Spear is the "origin story" for our intrepid hero, the new Librarian. Pushing this bird out of the nest has proved impossible, but events here conspire to finally have him face the world.If nothing else, the sheer presence of Bob Newhart and Jane Curtain guarantee good scenes, but the rest are also enjoyable. My wife and I, our son and daughter-in-law, and our 8 year old grand-daughter just watched this on DVD last Saturday.We ALL laughed a LOT. (and for the right reasons)
the_wolf_imdb This is the most boring rip-off from Indiana Jones but hero hoes not have charisma, style, wit, nothing, just nothing. He is supposed to be the most clever guy on the Earth or something but his oh so clever remarks are just annoying. I do love clever people, but this character is absolutely disgusting. The plot is completely predictable, cliché after another cliché, only somewhat inverted - the hero is a nerd, his female partner is more Rambo-like character. In the new era male and female roles are completely inverted... only the guy is annoying like overly clever very talkative woman. But the story is really generic, you have seen the same like thirty times or so... Is there any software which writes automatically these almost identical stories? This movie is not worth watching. Absolutely not.
ctomvelu-1 A native and meek but brilliant librarian named Flynn (Noah Wylie) discovers there's more than meets the eye at his library. It actually houses a vast storehouse of magical and legendary artifacts, like Excalibur, which loves to poke at him. A mystical spear, broken into three sections, has to be found before some bad guys can put it back together than take over the world, and Flynn gets pressed into service to find the pieces, reunite them and bring them back with him. Bob Newhart and Jane Curtin run this rather odd library, and give Flynn his marching orders, which in this lighthearted adventure takes him into the heart of the Amazon jungle. He is aided in his search by a gorgeous and ultratough agent (Sonya Walger). The film, a mishmosh of INDIANA JONES and the Marx Brothers, is beautifully executed for a TV movie and loads of fun for all family members. Two sequels have followed, with Flynn slowly settling into his new role as a sort of a supernerdy James Bond. Highly recommended.