Fire and Ice: The Dragon Chronicles
Fire and Ice: The Dragon Chronicles
| 18 September 2008 (USA)
Fire and Ice: The Dragon Chronicles Trailers

Princess Luisa and knight Gabriel must face a dragon to save their kingdom.

NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Livestonth I am only giving this movie a 1 for the great cast, though I can't imagine what any of them were thinking. This movie was horrible
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
curse-of-egypt I haven't seen this movie in years but I remember the story well and so does my daughter and we both loved it. We both love movies with dragons in it and this one was A1 with us. It had all the action and adventure in it that we both liked and enjoyed it very much. We look forward to buying a copy of this movie off of Amazon.Com soon. Wish they would make more movies with dragons in them
muse7-3 I disagree with many of the comments on this film. I found it engrossing and the dragons were very impressive indeed. The acting was passable and the whole thing was well put together in all departments. Perhaps it was because I had read such poor reviews that I was expecting it to be worse than it actually was! But on watching it I was very pleasantly surprised! I like John Rhys Davies and enjoyed his contribution to this film. I was not expecting it to be a masterpiece of cinema, but it certainly passed 90 minutes in a pleasant manner! I think everything was just above average and so I have given the film 6 out of 10 just for the fact that it held my attention.
OldAFSarge A lot of my fellow reviewers like to tackle the technical side of every movie. Me, well I watch movies if they have someone I like in a major role or of a certain genre. In this case I watched this because it had Amy Acker in it and I have been missing her since "Angel" died. Also, it had John Rhys-Davies, whom I have liked since I saw him in "Sho-gun." John seems to have been making a living doing these types of films since the close of "Lord Of The Rings." This is not a new story-line, nor is it worth adding to your collection, but it is worth a view the next time it hits SyFy. The main plot is can a young man kill a dragon and save a King's kingdom. His father was, after-all, a dragon slayer of some note. Then there is the member of the King's court who is trying to throw a wrench in the works. The King, by the way, is played by Arnold Vosloo, who you might just remember from the The Mummy movies. This is just another of those quickly thrown together movies that have a few stars who gather in Romania for a few weeks of shooting.
siderite Imagine a standard story about the evil terror of the land, the good king, the bad king, the corrupted king adviser, the good princess and the valiant knight. Any number of scripts and movies could have provided inspiration for this. But no, they wanted to do it the MediaPro way. That is, BTW, a Romanian production company.The result is some nicely drawn dragons, although completely disconnected. If they weren't "the terror", I would have guessed they came from another movie altogether. Then the script is completely boring and there are some absolutely horrible action scenes and acting.Arnold Vosloo plays well, I think he is one of the good actors around, too bad he is not cast in decent roles. Why did he accept this role? Did he need money so badly? Or are people in casting just oblivious to acting talent and he plays what he can get?Same goes for John Rhys-Davies. He plays his usual "Professor" type and has the decency to die when the part got just too ridiculous. His acting wasn't good either, although I have to admit, any actor would have been hard pressed to feel motivated in a movie such as this.The Romanian actors were decent enough, except Cabral Ibacka and Loredana Groza, who are Romanian TV celebs, not actors, and it painfully shows. I liked the evil king, too, not because the part was interesting or the acting great, but because I remember the actor living in my neighbourhood :)Bottom line: avoid this. But do look for the extended 5 minute or more trailer. It looks great and has more production and direction values than 10 Fire&Ice movies. Maybe they will extend it to a complete feature film some day :)