Riding the Bullet
Riding the Bullet
R | 15 October 2004 (USA)
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In 1969, while studying at the University of Maine, artist Alan Parker becomes obsessed with death. Believing he is losing his girlfriend, he tries to commit suicide on his birthday but his friends manage to stop him. He receives news that his mother has had a stroke and decides to hitchhike to visit her at the hospital.

Cebalord Very best movie i ever watch
ShangLuda Admirable film.
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Orla Zuniga It is interesting even when nothing much happens, which is for most of its 3-hour running time. Read full review
GL84 Receiving news his mother is dying, a college student decides to hitchhike out to go see her, but as he gets closer and closer to his goal he begins to feel a dangerous supernatural entity is playing games with him and vows to put an end to them before it's too late.This here actually wasn't that bad at times. the film is incredibly enjoyable and entertaining whenever there's something that occurs out on the road as a mind-game, as not only is something actually happening but the set-ups are unique and really enjoyable. Stumbling across the highway accident one is really good, as the supernatural payoff is highly entertaining among the believable chaos and panic at the scene, and the rabbit attack is a glorious one because of the film's sole use of animals amongst all the macabre imagery. Also interesting is the chase in the pick-up truck which starts off pretty tensely through the field before going into the junkyard, as well as the interplay in the car for the final ride as the word-play works wonders in the suspense of the situation followed by a couple great gore gags to keep it going. Likewise, the ending is pretty tense with the hospital race coming at the end of the last rather good car sequence on the road, and all of these fun scenes really start to pile up after awhile to make this quite enjoyable. Along with the general plot-line which is pretty unique and really creative, these here are what work for the film as this one here didn't have all that many flaws. One of the main ones here is that the film features a rather irritating trick of resorting for a flashback here at every opportunity, making for a very irritating habit of getting confusing when it shouldn't. The fact that it shows the family history as much as it does is one of the problems, but here it just throws useless scene after another detailing it, then it decides to throw in the flashbacks which barely makes it any better by going to a time that doesn't help revealing important information about the story or why anything is happening, and all they do is add to the confusion which is a really hard task to accomplish. What is also tough to understand is the motive for the main villain who initially appearing as a sort of Grim Reaper-like figure that spends half the running time talking away with the supposed victim and never tricks them into killing or any other vile activities as there were plenty of available times to do that to pad out the film's running time which really makes little sense here. Otherwise, the only other flaw here is the film's rather dreary pacing since it spends so much time driving around that this is locked in on a singular location for so much of the time that it feels repetitive quite easily which makes this one feel boring at certain points along the way. These are what hurt the film. Rated R: Graphic Language, Graphic Violence and Nudity.
gamay9 Barbara Hershey was about age 56 when this film was released but she appears younger than in 'The Right Stuff' (1984). In fact, her face looks like a female Kenny Rogers bot-ox job. Her lips are full, cheeks puffy, nothing like the salt-of-the-air earthy looks she had during filming of 'The Right Stuff.' She looks almost like a computer animation.As far as Allen is concerned, he is paranoid, but matures normally and becomes a solid citizen, without any medical intervention. Every time he becomes stressed, his alter-ego tries to tell him what to do and he ends up hallucinating. The longest hallucination is when he bumps his head in a cemetery and is out for a prolonged period of time as he meets George, the Elvis wan-a-bee driving the Plymouth Fury.I didn't read the Stephen King story so I don't know if this was a good or bad screen adaptation. It certainly isn't 'Cat's Eye' or 'Storm of th Century.'
bsc1012 When I saw the preview for this movie, I didn't expect it to be much. I thought it would be just another lame hitchhiker movie. But as soon as I started watching, I couldn't stop. The scenes with Alan's inner self were hilarious! Jonathan Jackson did such a great job in this movie. He took every line and perfected it. It was a funny/sad/freaky movie to sum it up. George Staub freaked me out completely. As soon as the older Alan began talking in the end, I began crying. When Alan's mom died, I had to get the tissues out! Between that sad music and Alan's high pitched voice saying "Mom?" I couldn't help but sob. The last few scenes with older Alan riding the Bullet made me cry even more! "Fun is fun, and done is done. Nobody lives forever, but we all shine on." Beautiful script, beautiful movie. 10/10. Very well played. I hope to see the actors and actresses again in more movies! Brilliant!
Mister_Gordon_Shumway I liked this Stephen King adaptation of his short story taken from 'Everything's Eventual', the author's most recent collection. Mick Garris ('The Stand', 'The Shining (TV)') has not strayed too far from the path with this macabre tale of a hitchhiker who is offered rides from a handful of weird and wonderful characters one Halloween night.The year is 1969 and Alan Parker (Jonathan Jackson) learns that his mother (Barbara Hershey) is dying of cancer, so instead of going to see Lennon and McCartney, the troubled teenager is forced to hitchhike back to his hometown. He is eventually offered a ride by a young man with a sinister secret. Parker is then forced to confront all the demons from his past if he is to survive what could be the last ride of his life.Like the original story, the film has all the makings of a campfire tale. There are lonely stretches of highway flanked by tall pine trees - roads that are interspersed with graveyards and other dark places one shouldn't venture into after the sun sets. There are carnivals and rollercoasters. There are plenty of laughs as well as scenes that will chill your soul to the bone. Even Death himself makes an appearance.Terrifyingly entertaining, 'Riding the Bullet' will also make you question what really is important in life.Also stars David Arquette and Cliff Robertson.Matthew J Lee-Williams, Review.