R | 18 September 2005 (USA)
Headspace Trailers

25-year-old Alex Borden's chance encounter with a mysterious stranger has found his intellect rapidly expanding, but as the power of his mind grows so too does the mystery of a brutal series of murders. Now, as the killer seems to set his sights on Alex, the frightened genius must use his newfound brain power to put an end to the mayhem once and for all.

Linkshoch Wonderful Movie
Beanbioca As Good As It Gets
Mandeep Tyson The acting in this movie is really good.
Kimball Exactly the movie you think it is, but not the movie you want it to be.
Paul Magne Haakonsen At some point I have got to stop watching these pseudo-horror movies with low ratings on IMDb. But I doubt it will happen, because there is just something alluring about these particular movies. Perhaps it is because they are so campy and cheesy that they might actually be good."Headspace" wasn't one of those movies. It was just plain downright bad. Not even cheesy enough to be funny to watch.I managed to sit through a whopping 35 minutes of this movie, which can best be described as pure pointlessness, before I simply gave up out of frustration with how boring and uneventful the movie was.The storyline was rather incoherent and made very, very little sense in any way. As such, it was quite an ordeal to sit through even just the 35 minutes that I managed to muster. So hats off to those who actually see the movie through to the end. It was a particularly boring movie, because nothing, and I do literally mean nothing, happened.I was initially lured in by the movie's cover/poster and the fact that this was supposed to be a horror movie. The only thing scary about it was how uneventful and slow paced it was.The acting, at least from what I witnessed in the 35 minutes, was as to be expected from a movie such as this, so you can take it for better or worse. At least you know what you will be getting into.There is no chance of me returning to finish watching the rest of "Headspace", because the movie just never appealed to me in any way. And I can't claim to have any interest in the storyline whatsoever.
trashgang When I was in the first minutes of this flick i thought this was becoming a hell of a movie. Sadly after the opening credits it became one dull flick. Just the last 10 minutes were fun to watch again as a horror buff. How is it possible that a flick with such a gory opening sequence could fall into a blah blah flick were things happen off-screen. And teasing us with Udo Kier and Dee Wallace-Stone didn't save the flick either. they are only a few moments in the flick. Christopher Denham was worth mentioning, his role as Alex Borden was believable. But it was really the script that teared this into a sad boring flick. Too much of chess I saw. Even a few things that I won't spoil were predictable. The creatures also looked a bit ridiculous and the hallucinations of seeing creatures or people didn't work either. For the geeks one thing is worth seeing, a full nudity love scene that you can watch as a peeping tom. As gratuitous as it could be 'cause it added nothing to the story. Headspace is about headache, a thing i noticed after watching it.Gore 0,5/5 Nudity 1/5 Effects 2/5 Story 3/5 Comedy 0/5
wes-connors According to the DVD sleeve description, "When 25-year-old Alex Borden has a chance encounter with a stranger, his intellect grows by leaps and bounds. Before long, he realizes that his newfound gift comes with deadly side effects. Vicious unexplainable murders are somehow linked to him. Now, it's a race against time as Alex tries to find the source of the evil. But, only one question remains: Is he the next victim or the killer?" That's not the only question.Mammary-minded viewers will want to watch for a busty scene with Pollyanna McIntosh (as Stacy) and Paul Sparks (as Jason)."Headspace" seems to be promoted as a horror film, but it's really more like psychological thriller. The film opens with Christopher Denham (as Alex Borden) looking like he escaped from a bloody beating in a hospital. This interpretation is supported by later events. From then, we receive his story, in flashbacks. Most importantly, he encounters limping artist Erick Kastel (as Harry). The pair are Mensa-level intellects, but don't know they're related.Further flashbacks detail the brothers' traumatic childhood. Apparently, nose-bleeding mother Sean Young was a little too fond of carving knives. Motherly (a trend?) and attractive doctor Olivia Hussey (as Karen Murphy) leads a veteran supporting cast. Director Andrew van den Houten, cinematographer William M. Miller, and star Denham contribute a lot of undeniable and admirable energy to the project, which nevertheless adds up to less than its input.***** Headspace (9/18/05) Andrew van den Houten ~ Christopher Denham, Erick Kastel, Olivia Hussey, Udo Kier
reeves2002 I read mixed reviews on this film so didn't know what to expect.It did sound interesting when i read the description so i wanted to see it. What i can say is that the beginning was bad and made no sense.All you see is 2 boys,their father and demented mother who was without explanation acting weird and bleeding all over the place from her nose, making accusations of evil getting in the house and then attempted to kill them before being shot in the head.What the hell drove her insane?And how is a little boy responsible for bringing evil into their house? This was rushed and ridiculous.And then years past and the kid is grown up and thrown right in the middle of another weird storyline which again wasn't explored much or explained again.I guess he was really insane and was the one killing off everyone around him.As for the bull about him being able to see those B-rated looking demons or some supernatural ability to sense their presence and they didn't want other's to see them was lame and make's no sense.And how would he all of a sudden develop skills that no human being could ever possess from getting a headache. The biggest disappointment was that the 2 brother's were not reunited before the older one killed himself.They met by chance later on as adults not recognizing each other after being cruelly separated.It seemed like it was building up but never happened.What a disappointment and waste of continuity. I don't think the script was very well thought out.It had potential to be a way better movie if it was written better with more detail and in a more logical way.And what was with that useless sex scene.It did nothing for the film at all and was a waste of time.It completely changed the direction the film was going,but then the movie has no sense and is badly written.The ending was the worst thing about the movie.I found myself interested enough in it though and it's not by any means the worst film i've seen.It's one of the better b-horror movie's that i've seen. I thought the actors were fantastic and they all seemed to be having a lot of fun making the movie.The old colored guy and the gay Asian made me laugh so it had a bit of humor.Now here comes the part that is unfortunate.I watched the extended and deleted scenes and thought wow! How could this be cut out!I could not believe how much footage was left out.And I couldn't get over how important it seemed to the movie.There was a lot of hard work and very well acted scenes and detail that were deleted.What a shame since it would have only added and enhanced the movie.I preferred the alternate ending.It would have worked nice even if they extended the movie and used both endings. Now if only the DVD had a feature where we could chose the ending and add the deleted material to make it an extended version. I am curious why all of the deleted scenes were cut out since there was no commentary. I may watch the movie one more time before returning it to the video store to see if i see something g i missed the 1st time,but i'm sure it will still make absolutely no sense!
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