Tactical Force
Tactical Force
R | 09 August 2011 (USA)
Tactical Force Trailers

A training exercise for the LAPD SWAT Team goes terribly wrong when they find themselves pitted against two rival gangs while trapped in an abandoned Hangar, armed with nothing but blanks.

Bereamic Awesome Movie
Onlinewsma Absolutely Brilliant!
Jacomedi A Surprisingly Unforgettable Movie!
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
aidendelpino This is honestly the worst movie I've ever seen. The only realistic part of this movie is their uniforms. "Stone Cold" Steve Austin is the worst actor I have ever seen in my entire life. I've seen zombies played better than he plays a SWAT team leader. It's not funny, even though it's apparently supposed to be. The action sucks and is corny. My cat could have sat on a computer keyboard and written a better script for this movie. The producers, actors, writers, cinematographers, 'stunt' people, and everyone involved with this 'movie' should be ashamed. If you want to watch a real action movie with good lines, real actors, and real action, watch S.W.A.T. with Collin Ferrel, Samuel L. Jackson, Michelle Rodriguez, and L.L. Cool J. "Tactical Force?" The title even sounds like a cop playset you'd buy at the dollar store, complete with little plastic handcuffs. This movie is a disgrace.
Theo Robertson When you've got a former wrestler in a starring credit you know you're not going to be watching Oscar nominated material. Likewise when you've got a premise that sounds very similar to the Walter Hill movie TRESPASS you're not going in to a movie with expectations , but to give it its due TACTICAL FORCE never really becomes a tactical farce eitherThe best point about the movie is its likable good guys with Steve Austin playing Tate who leads his small SWAT in to a heap of trouble involving two gangs of mobsters , one Italian and one Russian . The SWAT team aren't played or written with great believability but that's not really a criticism since we the audience are supposed to like them more than we can believe in them If there's a problem then it's to do with the tone of the film where one scene somebody is cruelly killed followed by a tongue in cheek line or character scene followed by a violent death followed by another tongue in cheek scene which makes the film seem at odds with itself . There's also an entirely unconvincing twist at the end involving good guy gangster Kenny which has to be seen to be disbelieved In all many of the reviews on this page state that TACTICAL FORCE is merely an okay action thriller and I certainly go along with that but to give the movie some credit it's perhaps more entertaining than it has any right to
Chuck Walters I like action films. I like smart ones like Heat but I also enjoy brainless action films like Con Air. This film, at its very best, could never have been a Con Air. The concept is too thin, the stakes too low, the writing too weak.That being said, it might have been a forgettable 6 out of 10. Instead, Adamo Paolo Cultraro manages to take a weak concept and reduce it into such a lousy, awful, painful piece of crap that I would give anything for my time back. The photography sucks. The camera angels suck. The lighting sucks. Every line is delivered flat. The acting is really, really awful. Every artistic and technical choice that can be made on a film is made as wrong as can be.I accidentally saw Adamo Cultraro's other film. I didn't realize it was his. He has shown some growth from his first film; budget growth. He hasn't shown any artistic growth. He is the kind of talentless SoCal idiot who jiggles a camera and thinks he's making The Third Man. The rest of his talentless crew would have more dignity if they'd worked on a soft-core porn shoot.Steve Austin why do you make such awful films? You have enough clout to surround yourself with better than this! This is so awful it makes 1980's action films by Van Damme look brilliant by comparison!Your time would be better spent scrubbing that stain in the guest bedroom.
Wizard-8 Steve Austin and Michael Jai White definitely have the stuff to be B movie stars, but they need to take care when it comes to choosing the right B movie projects. "Tactical Force" isn't a step in the right direction. While this is far from the worst movie I have seen, there isn't much in this movie that makes it worth seeking out. There are a number of sloppy touches to be found - dark and murky photography, locations (filmed in Canada) that were clearly not the American locations the movie claimed to be, plus a surprising number of unclear moments where it seems that footage was missing or was never filmed in the first place. Also, the movie has a lot less action than you may think it has, and none of the action is particularly involving. The script has the occasional witty line, but its sense of humor is not enough to save the entire film. This movie should only be watched when you can see it for free, and you can't find anything better to watch.