| 27 November 2007 (USA)
Whisper Trailers

Sinister things begin happening to kidnappers who are holding a young boy for ransom in a remote cabin.

Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Lela The tone of this movie is interesting -- the stakes are both dramatic and high, but it's balanced with a lot of fun, tongue and cheek dialogue.
Dana An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
ComedyFan2010 Demon children horror movies are not really my thing. I mainly watched this movie because of Josh Holloway. Even though I am not a fan of the genre I did see a few and I must say I saw nothing original for this genre in this movie.Characters are all incompetent fools. Sure, I can see they had no experience kidnapping children, but the mistakes they kept on making were idiotic. I especially couldn't stand Roxanne. A typically annoying child obsessed woman. She is so dumb she has no problems showing the kid her face, yelling out her friend's names when talking to police and being over protective of that kid even after she finds out he is an evil little creepo. When she got killed I was just happy about it. Max is also overprotective I must say, took him way too long to finish this little devil, unbelievable he kept on refusing.The only character I liked was Vincent. Now that guy had some reality comprehension. His death scene was also the best done one. The only moment that really felt like part of a good thriller.When it comes to actors than I must say they all were good. I am sorry for them that as being such talented people they had to play such awful roles. Actually it seems Josh Holloway's part was written just based on Sawyer. He is Sawyer, I see nothing different about his acting, I just like this character less as he is 10 times more dumb and has no chance to be charming. Was curious to see how it went for all of them and it is good to know that they all had good careers, besides the kid who seems to have taken a break after it. But as I see he is back as a stuntman.So yes, I can't give this movie an above average rating as I see no originality, a bad script and that in no moment was it actually scary or unpredictable. I just throw in a few points for the fact that the actors were good, they made a beautiful scenery with all the snow even when filming in summer and that good camera work doesn't make one feel that the movie was shot in an amateur basement, but I doubt I would ever want to watch it again.
Stalfos Conner This is one of those movies that is not bad, it's simply nothing special. It's highly predictable and doesn't manage to scare you at all - or barely at best. If you haven't read the description of the movie you will most likely be able to predict the rest of the movie by the time you figure out what's going on.This movie is a typical mediocre horror movie that is a good example of why horror movies aren't more popular. The story is very simple and nothing really happens that is interesting or unpredictable. It's just one cliché after another.The actors are alright, though. The ending was the best part of the movie. That's it. Nothing else to see.
gertru007 It is one of those movies that look ordinary and start slow but catch up fast. I admit some of its plots look predictable but that is also the whole point. Human beings are all the same and all have similar weaknesses. I was particularly impressed with Josh Holloway's performance. He has talent and provided the right opportunity he can deliver. I can't say the same about Sarah Wayne Callies, she appeared to be struggling. It seemed a little light on horror for its story but otherwise gives a chilling experience nevertheless. And the ending was also good.Overall a movie with character.
peteza My wife and I watched this movie because we're huge Lost fans and Josh Holloway was in it (can't get enough of Sawyer!). We didn't expect much as we'd never heard much about it before but right from the start we were hooked and it didn't let up-suspenseful right until the end. We were also surprised at how scary it was and loved the ending! Great characters, great dialogue and really good writing in general. Really slick production quality too with beautiful scenery. Special effects were great as well-never cheesy. Other people hit the nail on the head comparing it to The Omen and I agree it had a very "X-Files" feel to it. I highly recommend this film.