Cold Mountain
Cold Mountain
R | 24 December 2003 (USA)
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In this classic story of love and devotion set against the backdrop of the American Civil War, a wounded Confederate soldier named W.P. Inman deserts his unit and travels across the South, aiming to return to his young wife, Ada, who he left behind to tend their farm. As Inman makes his perilous journey home, Ada struggles to keep their home intact with the assistance of Ruby, a mysterious drifter sent to help her by a kindly neighbor.

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Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Maidexpl Entertaining from beginning to end, it maintains the spirit of the franchise while establishing it's own seal with a fun cast
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
daoldiges There are so many things to enjoy and appreciate about this film. The epic historical/love story, the score, the cinematography, the broad and unique cast of characters, and wonderful performances all-around made for a very impactful film experience for me. It's not that I didn't like Nicole Kidman, it's just that prior to her work here I always thought of her as overpraised. That all changed with her performance here. It wasn't only the delivery of her lines but she also brought an intense, genuine, and robust physicality to the character that blazed with power and intensity. Jude Law and Renee Zellweger played opposite characters, one barely spoke at all (Law) and the other wouldn't stop talking (Zellweger), but both were just right here. The score, which was a combination of newly written music along with traditional American folk music and was very emotive and greatly enhanced the story. All of the supporting characters too were also very unique and memorable. Many things happen throughout this epic story of love and war, side stories and side characters, all of which vibrated with emotion and tension. I encourage you to check out Cold Mountain for yourself.
WubsTheFadger Short and Simple Review by WubsTheFadgerFirst off, the film delivers a story that is profoundly powerful and heartbreaking. It shows us the needlessness of The Civil War and how it destroyed innocence and purity. The film shows us the drive and power of love and how it can overcome the greatest of odds. The ending is powerful and touching in so many ways.The acting is amazing. Jude Law delivers a stunning performance as a man who overcomes the greatest of odds. Nicole Kidman and Renee Zellweger also perform very well. Brendan Gleeson, Philip Seymour Hoffman, Giovanni Ribisi, Donald Sutherland, Ray Winstone, Kathy Baker, James Gammon, Charlie Hunnam, Jack White, and Cillian Murphy all add so much to the story and the devastation of the Civil War. Natalie Portman's performance really hit home for me. She plays a woman who has lost everything and just wants hope. She is broken and torn. Her performance was stunning.The pacing is a little slow, but I was completely engaged throughout the entire movie. The runtime is a little overlong.Pros: Powerful and heartbreaking story, touching ending, amazing acting, Jude Law's performance, Natalie Portman and her powerful acting, and a great message about loss, love, and warCons: Some slow pacing and an overlong runtimeOverall Rating: 8.4
gianlucero Director Anthony Minghella knows how to mix war with romance and drama. And this film is full of great stars like Renee Zellweger,Jude Law, and Nicole Kidman. The past may hurt, but you have to forget it and move on. Ruby Thewes taught me in this film how to survive on your own with limited supplies. Inman taught me how to stay out of trouble and always remember that less talk, less mistake. While Ada Monroe taught me how to be patient and learn how to wait. Eventually, this is about survival. Patience is a virtue. Waiting may hurt, but you just have to be strong enough to accept the truth. Life goes on. Ruby is a role model and good friend to Ada. Friendship is all about trusting,helping, and loving each other. She taught Ada to never lose faith and hope. Never give up on something. Renee Zellweger deserved her Oscar win for this epic film. Good friends are the hardest things to find. If you want to become a good friend, make your friendship count. God Bless My Verdict: 10/10
erikahermanson The movie was a romantic film that captured a love story as two people split up because of the Civil War. The movie shows both the relaxing parts of the war, the intense battle fields, the families struggling at home, and women's roles during the Civil War. In the beginning of the movie Inman the soldier who will soon go off to war and Ada, the daughter of a Charleston preacher man who has recently moved to Cold Mountain meet and instantly have a connection. The film then follows Inman as he struggles the difficulties of war so that he can return home to Ada, and Ada as she struggles to maintain the life she once knew after her father passes identifies key points of the Civil War. The movie shows gruesome scenes that show how the war ended up affecting many people's lives. The movie details how soldiers treated women and families and indicates the death and rape of many of the women and children. The movie also captures the age differences in the war and showed that many young men were off to fight the war. During the movie Inman and a few other men are captured and this shows that different soldiers would do anything they needed to try and win the war. Overall, the movie captured different aspects of the war pretty well. Although some of the terms or ideas used in the movie had not yet been used during the time period, the movie did a good job showcasing the important details and ideas of the Civil War that are educational and important for the audience to know. While detailing the Civil War the movie also described a love story that captured the audience and made them want to watch until the end.