SST: Death Flight
SST: Death Flight
| 25 February 1977 (USA)
SST: Death Flight Trailers

On its maiden flight, the crew of America's first supersonic transport learns that it may not be able to land, due to an act of sabotage and a deadly flu onboard.

MoPoshy Absolutely brilliant
ChanFamous I wanted to like it more than I actually did... But much of the humor totally escaped me and I walked out only mildly impressed.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Scarlet The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
gypseykitten-43-511218 I watch a lot of disaster movies, and while I wouldn't place this with the Towering Inferno or The Poseidon Adventure, I enjoyed this a lot. I was surprised it was a TV movie because the acting was so good. They spent enough time for character development. There were several subplots, but that is true for many many disaster movies. I got this movie as part of a collection and some of the movies were really bad. This one was worth at least twice what I paid for the set. I will be watching this movie at least 3 times a year and definitely will recommend it to anyone who likes this kind of film. This movie was well worth my time. I was shocked that the only other review was really bad.
itsmrbigtoyou This is one classic disaster movie from the late 1970's. Starring: Billy Crystal, Lorne Greene, Peter Graves and Misty Rowe. ''Death Flight'' begins with a scene of a silver, white, red and orange supersonic passenger jet which looks like a Concorde with four turbo-engines from a 747, two on each wing, flying through the sky. Next we see Capt. Jim Walsh played by Robert Reed making announcements to his cabin supervisors to not worry about going twice the speed of sound to his crew members.Next are the movies main titles at JFK airport in New York. The story of this movie revolves around 7 crew members, 250 contest winners turned passengers and a deadly flu virus. One hour after takeoff, the first flight of America's first S.S.T. is struck by, in this order: an on-board explosion due to faulty hydraulic lines, three crew members burning to death on-board, and last but not least, a virus being released. After many attempts to land at various worldwide airport's, the plane crashes and explodes in South Africa, leaving only most of the films main stars alive, and all of the extras dead naturally. One things for sure, if you can find this movie do not miss it. In total, so far, there are eight different versions of the movie on release, this includes foreign releases. For Irish TV, in the summers of 2004 and 2005, RTE ONE showed the ''Death Flight'' uncensored release at times between 12:15 a.m. and 12:30 a.m. Let's hope they show it again soon.
dontim This, according to most, was not the best film of all time! And, perhaps they're right, but one never knows just what can happen when you see a film. My winter vacation had already been planned when, one Monday evening in February 1982, I saw "SST: Disaster in the Sky" (one of its other names). It only took me 'til Friday to call my travel agent and change my destination from Columbus, Ohio to Dakar, Senegal. I took off within a few days and with no hotel, old French and a small bag, I landed in Dakar. It turned out to be one of the best experiences of my life. For that reason, this movie for me is a 10! No one ever said that a film had to win Oscars in every category to have a profound effect on the viewer. This one did it for me and that is why I watch it whenever it's on TV. Unfortunately, so many years have passed, that no channel shows it anymore. Ah, if only there were a DVD. I'd buy it immediately.
Eric-62-2 The success of "Airport", "The Poseidon Adventure" and "The Towering Inferno" proved there was a big appetite for disaster movies so naturally television felt they had to get into the act by offering their own lower budget knockoffs of the Irwin Allen disaster movie formula. "SST: Disaster In The Sky" is the ultimate example of this, since not only do we see a gaggle of 70s TV stars (all of whom it should be noted had one thing in common at the time. Their once popular series had all been cancelled by then!) like Robert Reed, Martin Milner, Peter Graves etc. we even see two future 80s TV stars Billy Crystal and John DeLancie in smaller roles (I hope David Letterman some day springs a clip of this on Crystal the next time he appears on the show). That alone is enough to make you keep watching despite the bad dialogue (characters have to engage in a lot of implausible exposition at various points in order for certain things to make sense), cheap FX and silly plot resolutions at the climax. Heck, "SST" is even better than some of the worst theatrical disaster movies coming out by then like the dreadful "Concorde: Airport 1979" so if you loved the quality disaster movies of the time like "Airport" and "Towering Inferno" settle back and enjoy this intriguing TV knockoff of the genre.
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