PG-13 | 01 January 2008 (USA)
Solstice Trailers

While on a summer trip with her friends, Megan begins to feel the presence of Sophie, her twin sister who recently committed suicide.

VividSimon Simply Perfect
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
atinder Never heard of this movie before, as it's was on Netflix, it's sound it's really good!Well the story is about A young girl uncovers a disturbing secret about her twin sister, who committed suicide just a few months before.A number of people that go to cabin in wood to spend times there however one of them are keeping a dark secret. Which is revealed in the end. Megan who main lead of the movies after death of sister, which was to believe as suicide, she goes the groups friends. As they having fun, however Megan starts to get dreams or hallucinations from some were, thought out the movie. She also thing this strange old man as got something to with it, they seem appeared now and again.I thought the movie very decent for PG13 , Its wasn't scary or creepy but I really enjoyed it! I thought ghost scenes were decent, I liked whole ghost muddy thing also really liked how the revealed Happened.Some of acting was off in places, which was little surprised as there are some well know actors in this movie. 5 out of 10
toni-cooke18 This film had a recognizable cast, many familiar faces.It took a while to start off, I found myself getting bored towards the middle.I wouldn't call it scary but it did have a few predictable jump out your seat moments.And what all thriller/chiller movie needs - a scary little ghost girl!The setting made the film, perfect location for a scary film.You have to wait until the end to understand the whole film, and when the plot finally emerges, it isn't as lousy as I had thought all the way through. It was actually pretty clever.But I still have unanswered questions.. unless twins do have some sort of unique telepathic powers! Or the legend of Solstice is true (I just find it hard to follow films that defy logic!)
Raul Faust First of all, this movie was incorrectly translated to "Talking to the dead" in my language, which is a BIG let down, considering that there is no talking to any dead people in this movie. By the first seven minutes of movie, director already tries to scare the spectator, even thought there is nothing relevant in the plot to do that. As the movies goes, I couldn't say if it was gonna be a good movie or not; when people get together in the lake to talk to the dead, I thought the movie would go somewhere interesting. However, from that scene on, everything went downhill. I sincerely hoped Mr. Vorhees just came in and killed everyone for being so annoying! However, in a point I thought I was seeing the lazy "I Know What You Did Last Summer". Not to mention the clichéd false scares the characters (tried to) provoke us all the time. Moreover, the ending is simply incomplete and answers nothing; everything you wanted to know or understand during the movie ends up just like that. Bad movie anyways. Fours stars in respect to some actors involved in this mess.
chapsmack All ye fans of the Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince, rejoice! They made another movie for you. Yay! You fans can add this to your quota of 8+ ratings. Solstice is pretty much passable fare, and no wonder it hit the video circuit directly. Has all the elements but the story line has been cracked open so many times that you wonder why they are repeating it again. Teens in the woods and all that yarn. But then teens can be guiled easily, right? But then I was tricked too...tricked into watching it that is. The title Solstice is sooooo misleading, it makes you want to pick up the video kudos to the maketing team, my hat's off to you guys....unfortunately for you guys, it isn't a McGonagall hat. 5/10.