The Prowler
The Prowler
R | 06 November 1981 (USA)
The Prowler Trailers

Thirty years after a murder on the night of Avalon Bay's graduation dance, the sleepy town's teens meet grisly ends at the hands of a prowler once thought to be a jilted soldier home from war.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
Tedfoldol everything you have heard about this movie is true.
AnhartLinkin This story has more twists and turns than a second-rate soap opera.
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
David Marcos I'll get this off my chest - the first 30 minutes of The Prowler are basically slasher heaven. I really mean that. The atmosphere is there, the characters aren't that bad, the killer is imposing, the kills are brutal and nasty...but then...(sigh) things just fall apart and don't get semi-exciting again until the last 10 minutes.The Prowler might be so wonderful in its first act, because it starts off like most slasher flicks end. By the time its first act has wrapped up, it seems as if already a half-dozen people have been offed and our Final Girl to be has already had a fairly exciting chase sequence.Sounds great, right? It is. But then she's saved and the rest of the film is spent with her and a policeman doing Scooby Doo-esque detective work in old houses with flashlights with brief interludes of death scenes during a graduation party. It just stops everything in its tracks.This is not to say that The Prowler is a bad movie. Far from it. It just needed something more exciting and urgent in it's middle section to keep the audience interesting. One never feels like the two leads are in any danger and that drag it down. Still, the special effects steal the show and are wonderful.
markhaazen If you're making a list of must-see 80s slashers, The Prowler should definitely be one of them. Yeah, the plot isn't all that great, the pace of the movie drags in places, and several questions ultimately go unanswered - but I was genuinely surprised at the identity of the killer (who is pretty intimidating in his killing garb), the lead actress is fairly cute, and - as is always important for us gorehounds - I was absolutely delighted at the spectacle of blood and gore on display. The filmmakers really let makeup/special effects genius Tom Savini go hog wild. Where other slasher movies give you a quick cut shot of a knife slicing a neck open or a pitchfork going all the way through a body, The Prowler lingers deliciously on such gruesome sights. You get to see that last little convulsion as he raises a skewered body up, with the tines of the pitchfork scraping against the tile; you watch him working his knife back and forth as if he has trouble removing it from his victim's neck - it's these little details that show you just how much Savini cares about his gruesome craft. Admittedly, one death is wholly and patently fake, but you still have to appreciate the effort and intent of the shot.The story begins in 1945, when a young woman and her beau are ruthlessly murdered on the night of the big college graduation dance; while their killer was never caught, it is made quite obvious that the murderer was the young woman's former boyfriend, to whom she had sent a Dear John letter while he was still fighting overseas. 35 years later, the college prepares for the first graduation dance since that awful night
mjtsmm2027 Unless you are a true obsessive, most 80's slashers have not stood the test of time and can be viewed as exercises in curiosity only. However there are a few that are still quite watchable today. I feel this is almost up there with My Bloody Valentine, Friday 13th etc. Certainly the slashing have an imagination and painful look to them and this follows the classic Slasher ingredients - tragic back story, horny youngsters, killer in a costume, red herrings etc. Actually the killer here looks truly menacing in the WW2 garb and this menace has not dated at all. I like a Slasher with a whodunit element and I confess I am usually useless at guessing correctly. If you pay attention here early on, it is give away within the first 4 minutes when one of the 1945 characters mentions the name of the guy who has just split up from his girlfriend, only for you to then hear this name 10 minutes later in the present day. Still, if you have a fascination with the 80's slasher, this is easily one of the better ones and deserves a 2nd viewing.
dullfinboy This is a good slasher. The killer was cool looking. The gore effects by Tom Savini are very good. The dark and creepy atmosphere really help the movie stay suspenseful. The arsenal of weaponry are nice. The pitchfork, shotgun, and knife. The scenes are realistic. The head stabbing scene is really creepy. The killers death is very gruesome. There are not too many twists. I was not very surprised who the killer was but I was guessing rapidly for a while. The plot was a revenge plot. This movie has good death scenes. The pool scene is very cool. The scenes with the pitchfork had gallons of gore. Heads getting blown to pieces with shotguns was very gross. There are many jump scenes and many suspenseful scenes. This is a scary movie that is good for a late night movie. This is a good movie.