NR | 17 October 2012 (USA)
Crawlspace Trailers

A group of elite soldiers sent to infiltrate and extract the lead science team from Pine Gap, Australia's top secret underground military compound, after it comes under attack from unknown forces. The mission is compromised when they encounter a young woman with no memory of who she is or how she came to be there. As they try to escape, the group quickly discovers all is not as it seems and the facility has become a testing ground for something far more sinister.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Wordiezett So much average
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Lawbolisted Powerful
cjohnsonwow The premise of this horror is pretty simple and easy to understand, and they use it wonderfully with the characters. More than likely you will figure out the surprise before the end, though it it is not something I've commonly seen before.That said this movie hinges on it's ending, and delivers a very anti-climatic end. I'm all for a sad, depressing, and or disturbing ending, even if it makes me feel sick and i hate the ending, IF the end fits. This end reminds me of the theatrical end to "Butterfly Effect" vs the director's cut ending, jammed in, simple, stupid, and lack luster compared to the director's cut where your eyes are enormous, jaw hanging slack as every little minor detail finally clicks into place.When the end of any thriller or horror movie makes you say "Oh... OK" that is a failure. THRILL ME! I want to be excited to watch it again and see if i missed anything.
Spikeopath A team of elite commandos are sent into a top secret military base with instructions to rescue the scientists who are apparently under attack from escaped prisoners. What they find is something very strange and different...Australia has produced some high quality horror in recent times, this sadly - in spite of some sterling efforts - isn't one of them. Justin Dix's (director/co-producer/co-writer) film is guilty of lifting from a whole bunch of other sci-fi/horror films to the point where the smart ideas in the narrative are practically squashed. Everything from Aliens and Scanners to Event Horizon are greased in to maintain a viable interest factor, a shame because the low budget is never an issue as the debut director shows a keen eye for atmosphere setting.The facility that the characters find themselves in, as they fight for survival, is splendidly awash with a futuristic metallic sheen. While claustrophobia, as the title suggests, is one of the key character's of the piece. Acting is fine, no ham or cheese here, and in spite of the leanings from elsewhere, pic is never dull. It's not one for genre fans to base their evening in by the fire with, but it's just above average and shows Dix to have some potential behind the camera. 6/10
Claudio Carvalho In 1966 the Australian and U.S. Governments established Pine Gap, a top secret research facility in the remote Australian outback. Fifteen hours ago all contact with the facility was lost, cause unknown. Then there are messages telling that the prisoners have escaped. Three helicopters with a group of elite soldiers are sent to rescue the scientists and eliminate the dangerous prisoners. Commander Romeo (Ditch Davey) leads the team formed by Fourpack (Eddie Baroo), Wiki (Peta Sergeant) and Kid (Fletcher Humphrys) that is mysteriously attacked by strange creatures in the underground. When Romeo meets the amnesic prisoner Eve (Amber Clayton), he protects her compromising their mission. When his team questions who Eve is, Romeo tells that she is his wife that died years ago in Paris. When they find the scientists Darious Caesar (Nicholas Belt), Emily (Ngaire Dawn Fair) and Matthews (Samuel Johnson), they learn that the scientists are developing powerful psychic soldiers in the facility. Who is Eve? Will the soldiers succeed in their assignment?"Crawlspace" is a claustrophobic movie with a promising idea, good acting but poor beginning and conclusion. The story begins without any development, with a group of soldiers breaking in a facility in the outback of Australia. The viewer does not know whether the story happens in the present, past or future; how is the government of this society; and who are the prisoners (criminals, political). The action is reasonable and when Eve opens the body bag and is surprised with her discovery, the viewer never knows who was there (might be the alien in her recollection, but it is not clear). What Romeo did to his wife and why is also confused and not clear. Last but not the least, the conclusion is totally disappointing. My vote is five.Title (Brazil): "Fortaleza Secreta" ("Secret Fortress")
mattgordon577 The blatant copy and paste of other films is not new in Hollywood, but it is a surprise coming from down under Australia where the films are original if nothing else. I entered the cinema with high expectations, I love foreign films, Wolf Creek and Chopper are both brilliant examples of Australia's rawness and obvious talent pool. So I was not only disappointed to find Crawlspace itself was very, very average, but that it Seemed to rip off all of its elements from other American films. It made me question, Is aiming to be a B-grade Michael Bay really a great goal to inspire to? Unfortunately it is a very common process to copy a successful movie and repeat it's formula over and over again, let's face it as long as people keep paying for mediocrity; then directors will keep pumping them out.First time director Justin Dix then, I assume, knows formula and cliché sell well. But when a film comes across as being written quickly and without thought with only the dollar in mind. It shows. While it's understandable debut directors feel the need to play it safe, I'm hoping that emerging filmmakers from other countries strive higher than duplicating America's machine of mediocrity. It is not something we're proud of. It is truly a sad time when other countries are mimicking our crap.