God Bless America
God Bless America
R | 11 May 2012 (USA)
God Bless America Trailers

Fed up with the cruelty and stupidity of American culture, an unlikely duo goes on a killing spree, killing reality TV stars, bigots and others they find repugnant.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
WillSushyMedia This movie was so-so. It had it's moments, but wasn't the greatest.
Logan By the time the dramatic fireworks start popping off, each one feels earned.
sbehrus-80001 I have seen a lot of terrible movies but this movie by far was the worst one! I can't believe a company releases a terrible movie like that. I know you were trying to make a liberal BS propaganda but you created a Nazi movie! fantasizing about killing people just because of their beliefs and they think differently is so fascism! Writers of this movie are all sick! I'm so angry at this movie that I just joined IMDB to give this movie a bad review. I would call it Mein Kampf movie of American so-called liberals. calling themselves liberal but what they are is "new fascists" wishing everyone be just like them and think like them and have no tolerance for any other options
OneEightNine Media Ultimately a very forgettable film. I watched it recently before remembering about halfway through it that I already watched it back in 2011 - that is never a good sign. Anyway the film starts off well enough with well written dialogue and a familiar but entertaining plot. Then the film is nothing but dead space and filler up into the end, more or less. You would be better off skipping this.
adamkatav I feel just like Frank, and every day I keep getting more and more frustrated by western society. I laughed so hard like I haven't in a long time. The movie is all about criticizing western society and letting off all the steam that is building in people like Frank, people who just want to be nice, and civilized.
steve-maddock Wasn't expecting anything when I stumbled upon this.Quite low-key, small budget.What a brilliant, hilarious film.The interaction between the 2 protagonists is wonderful.Plenty of throw away lines, and slick references.Plus the added bonus of mindless visceral violence.Don't agree with all protagonists' view points, but there's enough there to keep you engaged. And after all it's a (dark) comedy.A very enjoyable way of spending 1h 45m.So, if you have a couple of spare hours, give this little gem a whirl.You could do a lot worse.