Avenging Angelo
Avenging Angelo
R | 30 August 2002 (USA)
Avenging Angelo Trailers

A woman who has recently discovered that she is the daughter of Angelo, a major mafia boss, decides to wreak vengeance when he is killed by a hitman. She's aided by his faithful bodyguard, with whom she soon falls in love.

FeistyUpper If you don't like this, we can't be friends.
Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
zkonedog When reviewing "Avenging Angelo", there really are only about two avenues down which a reviewer can proceed. The first choice is to say that it is a terrible film, devoid of any semblance of plot or point, and filled with stupid little puns and jokes that really aren't all that funny. If you would take this approach, you would probably be backed by most of the American population, as this film never actually made it to cinemas and ended up a "straight-to-DVD" production.Yet, for viewers of "Angelo" familiar with Sylvester Stallone's "unique" brand of humor, this will be one of the most entertaining (if not all that important) films you ever watch. As a fan of Stallone, I have sat viewed the good (Rocky, Rambo), the bad (Demolition Man, The Specialist), and the ugly (Stop or My Mom Will Shoot!, Shade), and this film fits none of those categories as it is so unique.The basic plot centers on Stallone's character, Frankie, trying to avenge the death of his "beloved mob boss" Angelo (played by Anthony Quinn in his final role ever before his death). To do so, Frankie vows to protect Angelo's daughter Jennifer (Madeleine Stowe) from the mob scene, but (in predictable fashion) begins to fall in love with her, and (slowly) she with him.Unfortunately, besides some decent chemistry between Stallone and Stowe, the plot completely fails on pretty much all accounts (it isn't compelling, it doesn't lead anywhere, etc.), thus the likely reason it never went to theaters. In fact, the crucial opening scenes between Frankie and Angelo need subtitles in order to understand, as Quinn's voice is so raspy. Basically, the plot is a complete and utter failure.Why the four-star rating then? If you have ever seen Sly Stallone on TV appearances (Letterman, Leno, etc.), you know that his "brand" of humor is far different than most actors. Sly will tell a stupid joke ("pooping machine with hooves") or make a ridiculous statement ("snip ropes"), get absolutely no response, yet continue on as if he were Robin Williams or Jim Carrey, providing the REAL humor of the situation. That EXACT same type of humor is played up to its fullest in this movie, and is a complete hoot! Whether it be stuffing a burglar into a wheelbarrow, "farting squirrels" in the walls, or Sly telling Jennifer's boyfriend to "reconsider" before fighting him, you (if a fan of Stallone) will be one the floor laughing.So if you have 90 minutes to spare, are a fan of Sylvester Stallone, and would like to lighten your mood a bit, this film will be perfect for you. There's no plot to worry about, no high-action to dazzle you, just a good old fashion "bad" movie that is hilarious for that exact reason.
Rodrigo Amaro Nothing less than pathetic, the worst excuse for a movie "Avenging Angelo" has Sylvester Stallone playing Frankie, the bodyguard of a mobster (Anthony Quinn in his final role) who, after the old man's murder needs to protect his daughter (Madeleine Stowe) from eventual enemies. Detail: she doesn't know that her father was a criminal. If this was a drama or a thriller something decent would come out of this. So, this is a comedy and the way the story is developed is just a set of dumb moments after another, schmucks dealing with schmucks and the neurotic woman going nuts after finding the truth about her family.Almost everything is weak here. Almost. There's four or five moments that are a little funny, takes some good laughs out of us but that's it, no more. For the most part of this, I was anxious for the ending regretting for not walking out of it when I had the chance. It is such a stupid movie that is beyond anything I've seen in the past few months. Silly acting, silly plot and silly humor (best thing of this is when Stallone takes out the truth from Stowe's husband about his infidelities). Wanna see of what a bad movie is like? Watch this! If you don't feel bad at all and manage to sit through the whole thing and enjoy it, well, my bad, sorry. But then go to a doctor and do some head check to see how sane you are. 2/10
vitaleralphlouis Definitely a lightweight romantic comedy - where you might ask why did they bother making this - still has a few good things to offer; and there are several genuine laughs, which few recent comedies offer.To begin with, the photography rates a rock-solid A+; not just the scenes in Sicily but every scene from start to finish.Secondly, this was Anthony Quinn's final film, and he holds up well for it -- as he did as a man in real life; a real class act to the end.But the main attraction of the movie is Madeline Stowe, one of the most beautiful actresses ever in film. Herein now aged 40 she starts off looking good and becomes more progressively attractive for the entire 97 minutes. A man can watch this and truly envy the guy in the film who's walking hand in hand with her through a town in Sicily. Or getting plastered with her on Jim Beam in her living room. Any man who's had a real life experience like that knows.The plot is about a mafia don's daughter and her bodyguard. Not bad stuff, but it never rises above the mundane.
robo8 I sure hope this is director Marty Burke's last feature, because unless he had a gun to his head and was forced to follow an erratic script, he's not doing a very good job.The movie is a mishmash of incoherent, illogical, unfounded scenes that brings it no flow and no credibility whatsoever (not even as a comedy). Stallone is actually pretty good and Stowe tries although she stumbles severely.I can see some good intentions of making this a romantic comedy, but it just fails utterly. The comedy isn't very funny and the romance isn't really coming across.Poor Sylvester who just winds up with directors who make crap of his every non-action-movie-attempt. Unfortunately Sly, you and the soundtrack are the best things about this movie! Rest in peace Anthony!