NR | 17 October 2014 (USA)
Felony Trailers

Three detectives become embroiled in a tense struggle after a tragic accident that leaves a child in critical condition. One is guilty of a crime, one will try to cover it up, and the other attempts to expose it. How far will these men go to disguise and unravel the truth?

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
InformationRap This is one of the few movies I've ever seen where the whole audience broke into spontaneous, loud applause a third of the way in.
Arianna Moses Let me be very fair here, this is not the best movie in my opinion. But, this movie is fun, it has purpose and is very enjoyable to watch.
Spikeopath After a few drinks celebrating not being killed during a bust, a police detective clips a cyclist with his car, rendering the young rider into a coma. Covering up the facts of the accident, with help from a superior, his conscience starts to attack both his state of mind, and that of his life at home. Something which is noticed by an up-coming young detective...Ooh, the agony, the moral conundrum. It's pretty much a morality play, one that is very well mounted by the makers. Written and starring Joel Edgerton, it also stars Tom Wilkinson, Jai Courtney and Melissa George. After a quick-fire opening the pic settles into a brooding sense of emotional torture, a slow burn approach that casts caustic eyes over police cover ups and the folly of the human condition. A potential romantic thread feels unnecessary, while some of the dialogue leaves a lot to be desired, but with Wilkinson shining, Mark Wareham's photography the same, it's a better than average morally tinged drama. Though the ending will infuriate some... 6/10
tomsview This is one of those films that can't fail to impress you with how clever some filmmakers are.The story of a traffic accident involving a detective, Mal Toohey (Joel Edgerton), and his attempt to cover it up, and the attempt by another policeman, Jim Melic (Jai Courtney), to find the truth, doesn't sound all that special in a synopsis, but this film is so well done and has so many layers that it is one the most intriguing movies of it's kind you are likely to see.The portrayal of the police is fascinating. We see the danger of the job, and the hierarchy that exists between the older, senior officers and the younger police. We also see the brotherhood of the predominantly male culture that protects its own.This is a gritty and intense drama with a cast in top form. However, Tom Wilkinson just about steals the show as veteran cop, Carl Summer, who attempts to solve problems using both sides of the law. He also nails a very passable Aussie accent.The film features two beautiful women: Melissa George and Sarah Roberts. The stunning Roberts, who plays Ankhila Sarduka, an Indian woman, looks far too exotic to be simply called Sarah Roberts. All the stars deliver clearly defined and believable characters.There were also considerable talents on the other side of the camera. Director Matthew Saville, steers the drama from one powerful scene to the next. He had previously written and directed "Noise", another offbeat Australian police drama that also rejuvenates a well-worn genre.The film has a very good score by Bryony Marks who also happens to be married to Saville. This is a fairly straightforward score compared to the edgier one she composed for "Noise". She's beginning to be a name that can sit comfortably with notable Australian film composers such as Bruce Smeaton, Nigel Westlake, David Hirschfelder and Barrington Pheloung.Joel Edgerton not only stars in the film but also wrote it. The dialogue is sharp with Tom Wilkinson getting some of the best lines - but it needed his grizzled old copper to give them the right voice.Edgerton followed "Felony" with "The Gift" (actor, writer, director) proving that it was no fluke. I think this bloke must be one of the most talented sons ever to emerge from Blacktown. It's not just the Australian film industry that is the richer for his presence. I for one will be on the lookout for whatever he does next.
kosmasp You may not have too many turns and twists in this, so you'll be able to fairly see the direction this is going. But it's still a nice watch. Especially because of the moral decisions people have to take. Or are willing to take to protect or rather are trying to hide truths from others because they deem its the way to go.The acting is pretty solid here and there are a couple of good action scenes, considering this is more a thriller. While you may not agree with everything going on and the ending might not be what you wanted to see (I actually liked where they went there and it might be the one thing that's not straight as arrow), this is worth a watch
Tareq Sliman Felony is not an easy movie to discuss and talk about. It prompts us not only to consider such confusing dilemma, but also to think about the wide-range human behaviors and how they differ from one to another. Questions are raised by this phenomenal picture; Can we make the right decisions in critical situations? Do we even know what is the right thing to do in such conditions? Could the discreet steps lead us to even a harsher life than a lie followed by nothing more that an agonizing guilt? Besides, this movie brings us the truth about how judgmental people are! They strive to expose the truth when it has nothing to do with them, and try to cover it up when they're involved or experiencing similar incidents.I got a bit irritated by the very fact of our world shown in Felony; our world is becoming, day by day, a more brutal and frightening place to live in. Criminals and culprits are freely wandering outside, while innocent people (or those who made bad things unintentionally) are being charged and thrown to jail, not to mention cold-blooded murders and misdeeds (Mal felt guilty at least, although he didn't do anything bad, while those savage pedophiles were far from remorse).The acting is a first-class. Tom Wilkinson is an accomplished master (I think his part from the script was the best among the others), and Joel Edgerton should be proud of himself for his gripping performance and astounding writing. The screenplay written by him is obviously due to his open mind and prosperous skills. Melissa George was utterly outstanding depicting Julie, Mal's wife, that did what a smart woman would do to keep her family up together. However, I expected watching more on-screen of hers, but she is never short of brilliant, skillful actress. She simply shone with her minor role.In Felony, The right is wrong and the wrong is right, and maybe not. It's a great picture showing a humane issues and a puzzling dilemma that if you consider carefully, you would most definitely drive safely and cautiously!
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