| 14 October 2009 (USA)
Divorces Trailers

Valentine and Alex are married, both lawyers, specializing in family matters. In the exercise of their profession, they defend the divorce of the XXIst century: amicable, in the serenity and the respect of the other, preferably in alternating custody and in the blended family, far from the cased vases and the atrocious scenes of household of the previous generation. Until the day when, because of a banal adultery, their couple shatters. And the reality of the divorce catches up with them: no more fine words, just war.

Diagonaldi Very well executed
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Celia A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
jotix100 Couples having marital problems could only be happy to hire Alex and Valentine, two successful attorneys specializing in divorces. The duo guide clients through the painful process of the legal separation. The clients are forever happy to have them represent them in court. Why, even the presiding judge is only too happy to hear the cases brought to her attention. It helps that Alex and Valentine are married to each other. They are devoted parents of two beautiful girls and seem much in love.The happiness is short lived. When Valentine receives an anonymous envelope, she suffers the shock of her life. Inside, she finds revealing pictures of Alex with another woman, whom Valentine discovers is a former client. This is the beginning of the end of their happy union. Never underestimate a scorned woman, and Valentine shows she will do everything in her power to destroy the man that cheated on her.This is the premise for this French comedy written and directed by Valerie Guignabodet. Franck Philippon also contributed to the screenplay. Divorce is hell, as it has been shown in previous films about the subject. Discovering a cheating partner is an exercise in how a mature professional couple, one thought was the perfect couple, will tear them apart. Fortunately, Alex and Valentine are able to solve their situation amicably.Francois-Xavier Dumaison and Pascale Arbillot do good work for the director in this Galic comedy.