Bright Star
Bright Star
PG | 18 September 2009 (USA)
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In 1818, high-spirited young Fanny Brawne finds herself increasingly intrigued by the handsome but aloof poet John Keats, who lives next door to her family friends the Dilkes. After reading a book of his poetry, she finds herself even more drawn to the taciturn Keats. Although he agrees to teach her about poetry, Keats cannot act on his reciprocated feelings for Fanny, since as a struggling poet he has no money to support a wife.

Stellead Don't listen to the Hype. It's awful
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Josephina Great story, amazing characters, superb action, enthralling cinematography. Yes, this is something I am glad I spent money on.
Cheryl A clunky actioner with a handful of cool moments.
Shenoa77 It was moving. It was beautiful . Absolutely heartbreaking. Just a few words to describe this movie. Whishaw and Cornish are magnificent. Definite chemistry between the two. This movie displayed what great actors they are. I didn't want the movie to end. Immediately after watching, I researched online the characters John Keats and Fanny Brawne. Their story was one of long-suffering love. It's amazing how a director as talented as Campion can illustrate the emotion and inner-recesses of the heart. Campion did an excellent job bringing that out on the screen. Period movies and love stories should be more like this. 10 out of 10.
efaldk-349-274444 For anyone who has studied English literature, the name John Keats is well known. He is one of the finest and most celebrated of the romantic poets from the beginning of the 19th century, and besides the fact that he wrote he wrote brilliant poetry, his personal biography personifies most of the important features of the romantic age: The poor poet who devotes his life to art, but is not appreciated by the critics or the public until after his death. A passionate love affair that cannot lead to marriage, because he is unable to support a family. Finally his death at a young age (25) of tuberculosis - the "romantic disease".The film takes place over a period of three years. The main theme of the film is the passionate love story between John Keats and Fanny Brawne. When they first meet Keats is 22 and Fanny is 17. Keats has moved into in a cottage near the Brawn family with his mentor and friend Mr. Brown. Their love develops slowly, because Keats is painfully aware that he is not a suitable match for a young girl of a respectable middle class family, and so is Fanny's mother. Fanny is a cheerful girl who likes to dance and sew fine dresses, and Keat's poetry does not immediately appeal to her. Keats moves back and forth from the cottage and Fanny, but being apart only makes their feelings stronger. They write passionate love letters to each other, and when they meet again, they cannot hide their feelings, and decide to get engaged. Shortly afterwards Keats falls ill with tuberculosis, and is advised to move to the warmer climate of Italy. Keats dies a few months later in Rome.Jane Campion is an excellent film director and besides "The Piano" from 1993, "Bright Star" is her best film so far. Her biggest achievement is the visual beauty, and the dreamlike quality of the film which matches Keats' poetry perfectly, but it is also a very modern film with people of flesh and blood, who share passionate kisses and warm embraces.
rainbowgirl1 ....this starts out promising and does at times get a little slow, but because I love Ben Wishaw had to stick with it. Though it was nice not to see any gratuitous sex, just two people who were deeply in love and you felt it. A very nice film and very sad! I am surprised to see the guy who played Mr Brown, Paul Schnider, is American! A very convincing Scotsman and definitely a superb support. Abbie Cornish, I don't think is English, was also brilliant. When she heard of John's death her grief was very realistic, I really felt her pain! Ben Whishaw, as ever, extremely watchable and convincing. Also the young girl who played Fanny Brawne's young sister Toots was one to watch, very good little actress!
Framescourer Bright Star is a fairly standard sort of biopic, investigating the life love and work - for they are all barely distinguishable - of romantic poet John Keats. What sets Jane Campion's account of his love for Fanny Brawne is its sensuality. The photography is of the first rank, Greig Fraser's attention to the image apparent from the first frame, holding lint-dusted linen in high-contrast light and then opening up into an endless sequence of meticulously constructed compositions. Janet Patterson's costume design needs to be adventurous and brilliantly executed, given that Abbie Cornish's Fanny is a proud fashion pioneer. Indeed Cornish and Ben Whishaw's Keats are also highly photogenic actors. From interior production design to the seasonal appearance of locations, manufactured or found, everything has both a tangible and aural quality. Image blends across the soft-touch sound design and allows the profusion of poetry quotations to emerge without awkwardness. This is the secret of good film making - when the visual seems to make provision for everything that needs to be said. Wish I'd seen it on a big screen. 7/10