The Son of No One
The Son of No One
R | 04 November 2011 (USA)
The Son of No One Trailers

A rookie cop is assigned to the 118 Precinct in the same district where he grew up. The Precinct Captain starts receiving letters about two unsolved murders that happened many years ago in the housing projects when the rookie cop was just a kid. These letters bring back bad memories and old secrets that begin to threaten his career and break up his family.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
NekoHomey Purely Joyful Movie!
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Curapedi I cannot think of one single thing that I would change about this film. The acting is incomparable, the directing deft, and the writing poignantly brilliant.
thisanant i saw this in my home at my computer.i was attracted to this movie due to the name of Tatum.the movie starts with a lot of promise but does not deliver.acting is good by all.the story has nothing to show it just pulls the weight with some smaller subplots of homosexuality,child abuse,neighborhood,child trauma,guilt and so on.... it is very slowly paced,gives a similarity to crime thriller like mystic river etc but the last 20 minutes just cant be justified. it is able to build the pressure but does not have a viable closure. they should have ended this 30 minutes short with some incompleteness. you can watch to kill time and to see Tatum in different role.
bowmanblue The phrase 'slow burner' was made for The Son of No One. It's about a cop with a secret from his childhood that's about to come back and haunt him while he battles to save his marriage.Basically, it's a 'cop-on-the-edge' thriller. Only it's not much of a thriller. Drama would be a better description, as there's not much action in it.It's not particularly dark and it's not particularly gritty. It's just slow. The plot is strung out through use of flashbacks which tell you things that you already know (only longer).You may be tempted to watch this because Al Pacino and Ray Liotta feature heavily in the promotional material. However, be warned, they're not in it that much - barely passing characters.Overall, it's okay, but only if you don't mind your films slow and brooding. Every actor does his or her job in the film. Nothing special.
MLDinTN I thought this movie was OK. I'm surprised by all the negative reviews. My main complaint would be that it moved along a little to slow, but the story made sense and it was interesting. Also, I didn't think Jonathan would have done what he did at the end because he's jeopardizing his family.But the story about Jonathan's guilt and how he lived with it and eventually became a cop was pretty good. Plus you had the surprise of why he ended up at the prescient that was 2 hours from his home. Channing Tatum was decent in this, better acting than a lot of his movies.FINAL VERDICT: OK, if you want a drama.
kidchaos1969 I gave this movie two stars because it is well acted and well directed, but the script is really awful.The movie pretends to be a thriller and yet there are no surprises at all. We know everything from the beginning. There is no new information that would cause the characters to act as they do. There is no reason why the characters find the events so horrible as to act the way they do. There are simple reasons that things could have been different. Even if we accept the things as they happen there is really no big conspiracy. There is nothing here to hang a thriller on. This is a really well acted movie that is pointless. I have a hard time understanding why this movie ever got a budget or these actors. I'm truly amazed that this group of actors would waste their time on this film. Maybe I'm jaded and I should care more about a couple of murders of people who are horrible and are killed in basic self defense by a helpless abandoned child. Come on, seriously what is this movie about? Don't waste your time. IF you watch this movie and hope it will leave you with any kind of pathos you will be sadly disappointed. This movie is horrible.I'm sorry not to offer more analysis about why this film is bad. It really isn't worth the effort.