Final Girl
Final Girl
R | 14 August 2015 (USA)
Final Girl Trailers

Veronica, the new girl in town, is lured into the woods by a group of senior boys looking to make her a victim. But the boys don't know that Veronica's been trained to handle herself in surprisingly lethal ways.

AutCuddly Great movie! If you want to be entertained and have a few good laughs, see this movie. The music is also very good,
Mabel Munoz Just intense enough to provide a much-needed diversion, just lightweight enough to make you forget about it soon after it’s over. It’s not exactly “good,” per se, but it does what it sets out to do in terms of putting us on edge, which makes it … successful?
Portia Hilton Blistering performances.
Brennan Camacho Mostly, the movie is committed to the value of a good time.
reddtraining I put this film on as background noise, though the Netflix synopsis intrigued me. I didn't get sucked in to watching it until the Main Protagonist went to the woods with the group of guys. As a writer, this is where I would have started the project - them in the car, going to the woods.As a movie-goer, I would have much preferred if the Main Protagonists backstory and training had been interceded within the rest of the film, rather than the start of the film.I think the two main actors would have had a lot more strength to show if the film had been done this way, instead of the way it was done. It was obvious to me that they are successful in their career, but the layout of the film let them down.
Wuchak RELEASED IN 2015 and directed by Tyler Shields, "Final Girl" concerns a little orphaned girl in Washington (state) who is trained by a mysterious cold man, William (Wes Bentley), in assassination techniques and the use of drugs. Veronica's first real mission is to target four pompous young guys, who are sociopathic murderers. Abigail Breslin plays the protagonist.This is a cool meshing of films like "Hanna" (2011), "The Hunger Games" (2012) and "Point of No Return" (1993). The British Columbia cinematography is gorgeous and the tone is surreal, but there's not enough character exposition, which is the movie's main flaw. Other than that, this is top-notch filmmaking. Viewers complain that Breslin was wrong for the role because she wasn't "cut enough" and the emphasis was on how cute/attractive she appeared than on being a convincing slayer. But Veronica (Abigail) was cultivated by William (Bentley) to be an assassin, not appear on TV as a martial arts celebrity. Assassins are SUPPOSED to be inconspicuous, not openly pegged as merciless killers. That's why William had her dressed in pretty dresses, etc. She wasn't supposed to look like a kick axx assassin. It's the same reason Capt. Willard (Martin Sheen) was picked by high command for his mission in "Apocalypse Now" (1979). To help understand the movie, reflect on the spotlights in the forest. They weren't just there to give an artsy feel; "Final Girl" is darker and cleverer than that. Veronica's parents died and she was instantly recruited by a trainer who taught her classic MK Ultra programming (an infamous CIA mind control program). She learns about drugs and techniques in how to seduce and slay. The sociopathic dudes enjoy hunting women in the woods for sport. While the overall way it's portrayed is not realistic, it recalls royal families in England and elite families in America back in the day who would hunt individuals for sport and ritual. Consider Jimmy Savile who allegedly supplied kids from shelters for noble and exclusive families in Europe. This is where the concept of The Hunger Games hails. It's reality. Elitist snobs would hunt youths for fun and have them fight to the death for sport. Another obvious flaw is: How could the young lads get away with murdering myriad innocent girls for so long, particularly when you consider how overt they are about luring the prey into their web. Moreover, one of these ignoramuses would've surely spilled the beans at some point, but they're all so cavalier about their dirty deeds. If the handler (Bentley) knows about their diabolical frolics in the woods, wouldn't the police? THE FILM RUNS 90 minutes and was shot in Vancouver, British Columbia. WRITERS: Adam Prince wrote the script based on a story by Johnny Silver, Stephen Scarlata & Alejandro Seri. GRADE: B-
Shaila Kumbhare SPOILERS This film left me with a lot of questions and I've come to realize that the answer to every single one of them is "because it is a dumb and senseless movie." Here are a few for you to sample: How did these murderers who are in high school kill William's wife and daughter over ten years ago? Did they kill them when they were 6 years old? Why doesn't William just kill them himself or turn them into the police? Why are they waiting ten years to train this little girl while other women are being murdered when they already know who the killers are and could stop them? Why does Veronica have a crush on William? He adopted her when she was a little girl and is basically her father. Isn't this messed up? Why does William tickle her? That was so weird! Why do they choke out that random guy at the bar? Why can't she just shoot them? If a gun without bullets is a paperweight why can't she just take more bullets? Why isn't she allowed to wear shoes? If she's going to drug them why can't she just poison them? What woman in their right mind would wear formal attire and drive into the woods with four men they just met? Why does it take her so long to kill these bozos when she's been training for ten years and they are drugged? Why is this guy so scared of pandas? I thought she wasn't allowed to use a gun so why does William shoot the last guy? Why didn't he shoot them ten years ago? If he was there the whole time with a gun why was he letting her try and fist fight them to death when he could have easily killed them? Who made this movie? Who reviewed the script and thought "this is good"? How was this disaster ever made?
saxonwulf1066 Unlike many reviewers here, I didn't hate this film. It had a strong visual style with great use of colour and light, it had a good concept and some interesting characters. Unfortunately, once you know the what and the why of the film it plays out exactly as you expect. It doesn't offer any twist, or complexity. I was surprised that the movie chose to show us all it's cards right out of the door. All of the background information on the lead could have been done as a flashback after she been put in danger, or after the first kill. This sort of mid-story revelation would have given the story a little more punch. My biggest disappointment was that despite spending a lot of Time with Veronica I was left wanting to know more about her. She was interesting and her story arc just seemed to be beginning. I think this movie would have been much better as a TV show.If the story could be condensed into 1 hour (easy enough to do given this film's slow pace) it could have been the set up for a series. Like Dexter but with a Young Female lead and an assassin instead of a serial killer. Each episode she could have killed some killers, kidnappers, psychopaths, gangsters or other scum. And we'd get the chance to see her get more confident and powerful. We could also see her relationship with her mentor develop. Perhaps it ending with them falling out and her tracking him down as the last kill of the season. At the end of the day, I enjoyed this film well enough, but will not likely recommend it to anyone. A missed opportunity.