PG-13 | 14 September 2012 (USA)
After Trailers

When two bus crash survivors awake to discover that they are the only people left in their small town, they must form an unlikely alliance in a race to unravel the truth behind their isolation. As strange events begin to unfold, they start to question whether the town they know so well is really what it seems.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Quiet Muffin This movie tries so hard to be funny, yet it falls flat every time. Just another example of recycled ideas repackaged with women in an attempt to appeal to a certain audience.
Roxie The thing I enjoyed most about the film is the fact that it doesn't shy away from being a super-sized-cliche;
cmovies-99674 PROS: A good pro to acknowledge was how intense the movie was. You truly got scared. I don't think a person could watch this and not be at the edge of their seats. At the beginning of the movie there was something off, which really set the whole tone/mood for the rest of the film. As the movie continued and the mayhem kept enlarging you ended up getting completely engulfed in the entirety of the movie. You were scared when the director wanted you to be, you were sad when the director wanted you to be, and you were amazed when the director wanted you too be which is remarkable because it is so rare to have a director to have full control over your emotions… Just simply remarkable.CONS: Besides basic mishaps there were other large things that I felt actually hurt the movie. For starters the acting was meh. I don't feel that they really even were there. They could've been nonexistent and not even of hurt the storyline at all. This also says something about the storyline. Although I really respect creativity in horror movies, especially movies that make their own genre by themselves,but for me personally I din't really get what any of anything meant. Whats the door? Whats the fog? Whats the key? If anyone has any good answers please let me know!
uploadertn-12692 I've had this movie in my To watch list for a very long time and only lately that I decided to watch it.. The beginning is thrilling and excites you for what comes next. (spoilers ahead) The script went pretty well until Freddy and Ana got to the black fog wall, the events from there began to lose sense and had somewhat of a bad sequencing and a little bit confusing .. The acting was beautiful , both actors played their parts pretty well I just felt the script was a bore to some point . The ending was unexpected , when Ana woke up from the coma back in the hospital (where she was supposed to) but Freddy wasn't I have to say I was a little disappointed .I was entertained by this movie it was a great minimalist thriller , you should definitely watch it and you'll be surprised .
Nikolas Robinson I just watched the movie After on Netflix. I don't recall having heard anything about it previously, no reviews or anything of the sort. I was pleased with what I saw.It's difficult to discuss the movie without giving anything away and there are other movies with similar premises, but this one was well-executed.Two strangers from the same town meet one another on a bus, with a bit of abbreviated and failed flirtation, shortly before there is a severe accident. The next thing we know they are the only two people apparently alive and active in their town. There are no corpses and no signs of life beyond the two of them. Surrounding the town is a wall of black, swirling mist with lightning and thunder active within it...and the wall is closing in.It doesn't take altogether too long before the two protagonists discuss the possibility that they might both be dead, so they aren't as stupid as the characters in a lot of movies along these lines. We get to know them both pretty well along the way, through surprisingly natural conversation and glimpses into the past, without a lot of unnecessary exposition.I won't go into any further details, you'll need to watch it yourself if you want those, but the acting is good and the production quality is high enough that it doesn't feel like a low budget movie at all. It's always kind of nice to go into watching a movie without any idea what to expect and to be pleasantly surprised.
Lil_Git This movie has a mediocre rating and I almost didn't bother watching it. I have a habit of watching a lot of movies and the downside is when looking for something to watch I'm usually thinking "seen it" or I start a movie and it's so boring I just won't finish it. Figuring this one was going to be really bad but having nothing better to watch I gave this movie a shot anyway and I'm glad I did. It's definitely got a low budget feel about it but don't let that or the rating put you off. The acting was decent and didn't try too hard, like a lot of low budget or B movies tend to do. The story-line was entertaining. The movie overall kept my attention and I didn't feel at any point that I was going to turn it off. This is in no way a "must see" or "it blew my mind" kind of movie but it was simple, doesn't try to be clever and just delivers a nice story that I enjoyed. Uncomplicated is how I would describe it. I would and will be recommending this movie to friends.