PG-13 | 14 September 2012 (USA)
After Trailers

When two bus crash survivors awake to discover that they are the only people left in their small town, they must form an unlikely alliance in a race to unravel the truth behind their isolation. As strange events begin to unfold, they start to question whether the town they know so well is really what it seems.

Plantiana Yawn. Poorly Filmed Snooze Fest.
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Reno Rangan I happy that B movies exist. Because mainstream filmmaker won't do this kind of simple experiment. Actually there's nothing new in this film, the same old storyline. There are hundreds of similar films, even you can compare to the recent 'If I Stay', but the thing is it was differently told tale. The director's first feature film, and actors are not the popular ones, but with a decent story, everything looks so fine. The graphics for this kind of budget, not really bad. They even had a decent CGI character. Actually, most of the film takes place in the dark time, so they had all the advantage, hence the production was very neat.Kind of a limited cast film, but very occasionally a few characters, including small background crowd appeared. When the twist comes in the final act, you will realise it is the same old crap, but well maintained suspense in the initial parts. Those content balance and good development is what worked in favour of the film. So the overall film was very entertaining, because I was not expecting any big from it after learning how it was received. Not for everyone, but I also suggest don't believe in those negative remarks on this. It's definitely worth a watch, even if you are not going to rate it low. So I hope you make a good decision.6.5/10
uploadertn-12692 I've had this movie in my To watch list for a very long time and only lately that I decided to watch it.. The beginning is thrilling and excites you for what comes next. (spoilers ahead) The script went pretty well until Freddy and Ana got to the black fog wall, the events from there began to lose sense and had somewhat of a bad sequencing and a little bit confusing .. The acting was beautiful , both actors played their parts pretty well I just felt the script was a bore to some point . The ending was unexpected , when Ana woke up from the coma back in the hospital (where she was supposed to) but Freddy wasn't I have to say I was a little disappointed .I was entertained by this movie it was a great minimalist thriller , you should definitely watch it and you'll be surprised .
begob Two lonely people in the valley of the shadow of death struggle for freedom.Lots of praise for this - acting, pace, and it looks good. A two-hander, with the lead male particularly good, and dialogue excellent in parts. I liked the scene on the bus, and the analysis of the bedroom - "You sleep alone, always on one side, pillow on the other side - keeping your hopes in". Not enough humour, though.Story-wise it's difficult to criticise. A bit sci-fi, a bit allegory, bit psychological, symblogicaltastic. But definitely romance and not a horror, despite the CGI monster. I preferred to see it as a pragmatic pact between doomed depressives, but there was a load of back story suggesting fate brings lovers together, which was confirmed by the swelling strings in the slightly over-cheesed ending. Do individuals seek the one size that fits us all? I guess the answer divides optimists from pessimists. Overall this is Josh Wheedon style.I likesed it, but left feeling a bit confused.
Lil_Git This movie has a mediocre rating and I almost didn't bother watching it. I have a habit of watching a lot of movies and the downside is when looking for something to watch I'm usually thinking "seen it" or I start a movie and it's so boring I just won't finish it. Figuring this one was going to be really bad but having nothing better to watch I gave this movie a shot anyway and I'm glad I did. It's definitely got a low budget feel about it but don't let that or the rating put you off. The acting was decent and didn't try too hard, like a lot of low budget or B movies tend to do. The story-line was entertaining. The movie overall kept my attention and I didn't feel at any point that I was going to turn it off. This is in no way a "must see" or "it blew my mind" kind of movie but it was simple, doesn't try to be clever and just delivers a nice story that I enjoyed. Uncomplicated is how I would describe it. I would and will be recommending this movie to friends.