PG-13 | 21 September 2012 (USA)
Unconditional Trailers

Samantha Crawford is living a storybook life: she’s happily married, she lives on a ranch where she keeps her beloved horse, and the stories she’s told and illustrated since childhood have become published books. When her husband Billy is killed in a senseless act of violence, Sam loses her faith and her will to live. But a death-defying encounter with two children leads to a reunion with Joe, her oldest friend. As Sam watches “Papa” Joe care for and love the kids in his under-resourced neighborhood, she begins to realize that no matter life’s circumstances, the love of God is always reaching out to us.

Micitype Pretty Good
Steineded How sad is this?
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
rholland-80294 It's about a girl who lost her husband, she was wanting to find the killer. One night she was at the same place where her husband died and heard someone get hit, she goes and see what was going on and see a little girl in the middle of the road. She that the little girl and the boy to the hospital and awhile shes there she meets her old friend for school. She goes to the little girl house and she sees this guy and that she thinks its the person who killed her husband. One day she goes in his house and starts looking around, she hears him come in and she runs out before he sees her. She wants to know if its the killer but she has no clue that his is it. I like this movie because, it had a good meaning. It showed she pain and how sad she was. It shows how far people will go to find something out, they want to be right so they do things that they should've do. It's good at showing friendship, and how important it is, and how helpful a friend can be. They help you in so many ways, having a friend can help you get out of that mindset of " I have to know.". I liked the music, because it showed the emotion,and what they were feeling. It could be sad, happy, or the music could tell you something is about to happen. Its good at showing there past and what they went through. I like the characters, I really like Papa Joe because he takes in the neighbor kids and makes sure there grades are good to pass, then there grades are good they get food or candy as a award. Sam is a great person, she helps Joe with the kids, and the little girl, (the little girl doesn't talk) she saved. She likes Sam. Sam takes the kids to her farm and Sam told the little girl that the horses are good at keeping secrets. Before they left the little girl told the horses a secret. After them going to the farm, the little girl started to talk. The movie is really good, it might make you cry but it's worth it.
u-79972 This was an inspiring and emotional movie, with twists and turns and heartwarming moments. Sam the main character. Her husband gets shot and she is about to kill herself, until a little girl gets hit by a car and that changes things for Sam when she is at the hospital with the girl, that is when she meets up with the other main character Joe who is her old friend when they were friends and she changes from them on. Some things I liked about the movie was how Sam acted with the kids how well she god along with them and she kind of took them in and worked with them and made them happier children. The setting in the farm was beautiful and made me feel happy. The music in the movie was kind of not what I expected it was just weird and I did not like it that much. I loved all the characters I think they played there roles really well and they made the movie dramatic. I can honestly rate this movie 10 stars I loved how the movie played out and how emotional it was, how it made you feel warm inside to see how there are good people in the world and how well they work together.
tinsleyhunter The movie wasn't great to me. there was a couple positives but there was a lot of negatives to me too. the positives were that the messages sent through the movie had a great background behind it. it was an amazing message throughout. At the same time though, it had not enough good scenery, and i know that a lot of people had a problem with the ending. Everyone thought that the movie should've made the two get together but they didn't. The movie was sending a lot of mixed signals between them.
u-40945 The movie Unconditional is about a guy and girl who were childhood friends. They were reunited after many years and many hardships. Sam, the main character, is getting over her husband's death while at the same time searching for his killer. Some really good aspects of the movie were how Sam and Joe were always there for each other. They are both good people for their roles. I really liked the child actors and actresses, they were very good for the age and added lots of emotional and touching aspects to the movie. One thing I didn't like about the movie was most scenes seemed very staged, though it's a movie, it should seem more realistic. Other than that, all I have to complain about is the poor choice of music. I feel none of the music went with the movie at all. In conclusion, I'd give this movie a 4 out of 5 stars due to very many good scenes and actors but the lack of good small details takes away a star.